This week was our second visit to Quarr Abbey, and unusually for the Green Gym it rained VERY hard after teabreak, but we still soldiered on. The job for this week had been to continue working on the vegetation damaging the old wall, but there had been some delay in erecting the scaffolding, so we had to go the Plan B. This involved cutting back a long hedge alongside one of the public footpaths through the Abbey, to open up the lovely view across the fields.
Carrie’s Nature Lesson
Our find this week growing in the hedge was Spindleberry (Euonymus Europaeus), a large fast growing native shrub found in hedgerows and scrub, particularly on alkaline soils. Its narrow leaves turn reddish purple in autumn, and it has unusually shaped bright pink fruits. It bears tiny flowers in the summer and although mildly poisonous, is very beautiful - see picture.
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