Our venue this week was Ventnor Botanic Gardens and, as usual, Trish had several tasks for us to tackle. The first two were tidying up the pond outside the cafĂ©, and trimming the growth on the willow dome. The third and largest task, was working on what they call the “Pumpkin Patch”. This is not in the main part of the Botanic Garden, but some 100 yards away on the other side of the road. Apparently this area was the site of the piggery when the original Hospital existed, but is now used to grow all the plants that are sold in the Botanic Garden. We had to clear a large area up to the boundary fence, which will be used by another group as a nursery for trees which can then be re-planted around the Island, and also to begin clearing the bank above the road. This will be an ongoing task to clear about a 100 yard stretch, and plant lots of shrubs and trees. The idea being that when people travel into Ventnor, it will look as if you are travelling through the garden itself, with trees visible on both sides of the road; this area is also accessible to the public on foot, and is very quiet and peaceful.
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