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Wednesday 28 February 2024

Wed 28th Feb 2024 Bully's Pit, Brading. GG # 970.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This morning we were working with Gift to Nature at Bully's Pit in Brading.  We were divided into two groups.  One group went to the Butterfly Walk and the other stayed within the pit.  At both locations the buddleia has been getting out of control so we were asked to cut it right back.  Some had become tree-sized!  Arisings were piled high to dry out.  By the end of the session a considerable amount of buddleia had been cut back.  As a bonus the rain held off until right at the very end of the session.

Thank you to Trevor for the cakes.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Wed 21st Feb 2024 - Session cancelled due to weather..!

 Message from Mark.

🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️ Hi Everyone,

With things set to be very wet and windy tomorrow morning we've had a cancellation of the session to keep everyone safe. So no Green Gym tomorrow.
I am wondering however about popping down to the tool store during the morning and sorting out a few things there, so if you are keen on helping with that, email me back and if I do so I'll email you in the morning to let you know times and whereabouts in Shide it is.  

Next week it looks like a session in the vicinity of Brading.

many thanks

Photo of forecasted weather at 10:10....😒

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Wed 14th Feb 2024 - Pan Country Park, Newport. GG # 969.

 Mark's Photographs.

Mark's Editorial.

We were working in what is known as 'Spider Field' ... this is the middle section of Pan Country Park. 
Not the most glorious of days as the rain pelted down for most of the first hour.  But nevertheless we achieved quite a lot of coppicing of the willow and made use of the arisings to make a dead hedge around the area. The aim was to take the willow growth back a bit and give the hazel and other species a chance to grow. 

Many thanks to Mark for both the photographs and the editorial this week. 👍

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Wed 7th Feb 2024 - One Horse Field, Totland. GG # 968.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week were were helping Gift to Nature with their management of One Horse Field, Totland.  An area of grassland had been cut and we were asked to rake it up and create a hibernaculum.  Overnight rain made the cut grass very heavy so moving it to the hibernaculum was hard work.  However, by the end of the session we did manage to clear all the raked grass.  A rather grey drizzly day which did eventually dry up.

A big thank you to Terry for the photographs and Alison for the editorial.
