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Wednesday 11 December 2019

Wed 11th Dec 2019 - Munsley Bog, Godshill. GG # 814.

Bob's Photographs.

Lots and lots to rake up.

Guess what..? Munsly Bog is BOGGY...!

Tea break.

Mark's Photographs.

See....I told you we had HAIL...! (read below)

And so to the final GG session of 2019, held at Munsley Bog, Godshill. On the way there I had the car window wipers on full speed which was a good indication of what the weather was going to be like - WET 💦. Although it didn't rain ALL the time, the "showers" were torrential and at one point we even had hail...! The job today was simple enough, just rake up all the previously cut material and pile it on top of the composting areas around the edge of the bog - easy peasy. The area to the north of the board-walk was pretty much cleared by the end of the session and then it was party time. A quick trip around the corner to the Griffin pub and lots of wonderful food (and a welcome warm-up too...!) for the Green Gym Christmas meal.

Many thanks to Mark for sending in his photographs.

All that is left for me to do is to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas plus a BIG Thank You to everyone who has attended during 2019 and we look forward to seeing you next year.

Gizmo wanted me to post this.....

Next Wednesday will be a walk with Phil, starting from Shide at 10:00 am. The first GG session of 2020 will be on the 8th January - at Quarr Abbey. Enjoy the break ....!

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Wed 4th Dec 2019 - Shide Quarry, Newport. GG # 813.

Bob's Photographs.

A rather frosty arrival.

With no wind..the smoke lingered.

Now...that's what you call a FIRE...!

Merlin guarding the supplies.

Enjoying tea and mince pies.

Traditionally, Green Gym's last session of each year was held at Shide Chalk Quarry. This year things have turned out a little differently but we still managed to fit in a work session there before next week's final one. We have worked here countless times in the past, playing our part to try and clear the undergrowth and brush that springs up every year. Our arrival was greeted by a hard ground frost which had covered the grass in white, giving it a very festive look. The first priority was to get a fire going on the site of a previous one but it was so calm that the smoke just drifted around in layers (see photos above). It took a while to establish a good fire but, once it got going, we soon managed to burn up the backlog of cut brush that everyone was working so hard to clear. Come tea break, a cup of hot drink and a mince pie was exactly what was needed. This was a very well attended session and a terrific amount of work was achieved in just a few hours.

Next week will be the final session of 2019 - to be held at Munsley Bog, Godshill.  Please remember that the Christmas Dinner will be held at The Griffin, Godshill after all the work is done...!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Wed 27th Nov 2019 - Bouldnor Forest, Yarmouth. GG # 812.

Mark's Photographs.

Nice view - even a little bit of blue sky..!

Our last session for November 2019...and it turned out to be a WET on...! There was some light rain around before tea break but afterwards, the heavens opened and it bucketed down. It there was a positive side to, it was still unseasonably warm...😏. It was a bit of a hike from the car park to the work area but, once there, we continued with the task we have done here many times before....cutting back undergrowth and gorse to allow the land to revert to meadow. This time we were cutting into established, older, gorse - some of which had trunks the size of small trees - definitely a job for a sharp bow saw! All the cut material was dragged to collection points ready for burning. Considering the awful weather conditions, good progress was made at clearing the designated area so a big WELL DONE to those who attended (I hope your clothing dries out by next Wednesday!)

Many thanks to Mark for the photographs this week.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Wed 20th Nov 2019 - One Horse Field, Totland. GG # 811.

Terry's Photographs.

No prizes for guessing where we worked this week...!

In transit from the car park to the work areas.

Clearing the pathway to the view point.

The big job of the day.... raking up the recently cut grass.

A rather chilly tea break.

Trimming back all that summer growth.

The opened up pathway

One of the raked areas.

Yet another composting pile....!

It has become a bit of a GG tradition that, come the cold weather, we find ourselves working at the rather exposed area in Totland known as "One Horse Field". I am resisting the temptation to remark that even the last "one horse" has given up and found pastures new 😏. Actually, when we visit here in the summer months it is a nice venue....but when that cold wind is blowing at this time of year then perhaps not so alluring. What is the best way to warm up on a cold day? Get stuck into some hard work - which is exactly what we did. To the west of this site is a lovely viewing point that looks out over the Solent and Western Approaches - the foot path to which had become somewhat overgrown. With part of the team tackling that, the others were deployed to rake up the recently cut grass so that this area will return to wonderful meadow come next summer. The other good thing about working on a chilly day, that hot drink at tea break tastes wonderful....! It was a good turnout today considering it is a long way for most of us to travel and the weather wasn't the best we could have hoped for, so well done to all those who made the extra effort.

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs this week.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Wed 13th Nov 2019 - RSPCA Animal Centre, Godshill. GG # 810.

Terry's Photographs.

Meeting up in the car park.

Planting whips to fill in the gaps.

Planting bushes by the new entrance.

There are always BRAMBLES...!

Working at trimming back the hedge line.

Autumnal clearing up.

Repairing the pathways.

The completed hedge planting.

It has been some years since we held a GG session at this venue and a lot had changed since our last visit here, now with many new buildings for the staff and animals - nice..! Mark mustered us in the car park and gave us the usual long list of tasks that needed our attention so it was time to split into working parties and get it all done. On a previous visit we had planted a row of whips to form a barrier between the dog walk and the exercise areas but some had not taken, leaving a few holes. New ones were dug in complete with supports and rabbit guards (see photos above). One team tackled the overflow parking field hedging, working their way around trimming back as needed. The fine new building looks much better now it has two bushes planted on either side of the main reception area entrance and another team tackled the numerous piles of autumn leaves everywhere around the grounds. Tea break took a bit of organising with only one kettle to supply the hot water for all of us but Team GG rose to the challenge...! After tea we diverted our attention to the dog walk that runs past the pond and through the old orchard area by trimming back the plant growth and repairing the pathway as needed. As the first photograph shows, the daytime temperatures are starting to drop off now, hence the layers of clothing and hats, but it did stay dry for the whole session. 

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs this week.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Wed 6th Nov - Various Locations..! (see text below). GG # 809.

Terry's Photographs.

The start of the session at Morton Marsh.

Venue number Two...Arreton Down.'s GG session turned out to be a little unusual...! We all met up, as arranged, at Morton Marsh expecting to be doing some coppicing.... unfortunately the high water table was destined to put an end to that. Between Mark surveying the work site and today, we have had had an awful amount of rain making the marsh all but inaccessible. Waders would have been nice but a snorkel and flippers probably better (you get the picture 😊). After some prolonged consultation with the rangers and then a quick site survey, it was decided that no useful work could be achieved there until the water levels drop significantly. We had  an early tea break and a chat about the work that has been completed there since our last visit, which included the digging of several ponds and the building of a raised area in the middle - all of which is designed to encourage more wildlife. A quick show of hands (not another referendum!) was then taken to decided where the rest of the session was to be held. Arreton Down appears to have won the vote and many of the team relocated there to continue with the scrub clearance that we have been doing there previously. The alternative was to go down to Yaverland beach for a litter pick... not sure if any took up that option but, if you did, then please let me know for inclusion in this blog. The session remained dry and it was still pleasantly warm considering that we are now into November.

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photos today.
