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Wednesday, 24 February 2021
Wed 24th Feb 2021 - GG Virtual Session # 035.
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Wed 17th Feb 2021 - GG Virtual Session # 034.
What a happy, smiling bunch.....
Last week it was the cold that made us thankful we were inside, this week it was the rain... it was bucketing it down on Wednesday..!
The session started with a quick roll call of people who do not log on to our Zoom sessions but were given a telephone call to check on them, apparently all doing π. We decided that one of the (few) advantages of becoming a little forgetful in old age is that you can't remember the endings of TV programs, which means you can watch them time and time again and the ending is still a surprise. Sub titles are a distinct advantage when your hearing isn't quite as sharp as it once was but when the lyrics of songs appear they aren't necessarily the words you have been singing all these years..!
One person had received their Covid vaccination at the Riverside Centre and reported it all went very well. Good news if you manage to get yourself an on line booking there but be aware if you are directed to the blue badge parking area that you still have to enter your car registration number at the reception desk to avoid a fine..!
The gardening club section report that the legumes are thriving in Carisbrooke but failed miserably in Ventnor, due to frost. So much for the theory that Ventnor has a year round sub tropical micro-climate π
We all enjoyed a few minutes of what was supposed to have been an off screen conversation, which only highlights knowing where the Zoom mute icon is on the screen (AND remembering to USE IT..!) This followed with the recent news story about the kitten filter on the American lawyer but as nobody in our group is technically minded enough to work out how to turn such a thing on, it is hardly going to be an issue for us.
One person experienced ongoing broadband problems throughout the session ad I struggled towards the end due to Zoom wanting me to update my software during the meeting. Don't you just love technology..???
Remember the rumour I gave you last week about more road "improvements" in Newport..? Well, apparently it is TRUE, see this link
works-to-make-st-georges-way-3-lanes-wide-to-begin-shortly π
The detour for the duration of this work looks "interesting" - think I will be avoiding the south side of Newport for a while.
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Wed 10th Feb 2021 - GG Virtual Session # 033.
This was the baker's dozen that managed to make it through the blizzard....
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Wed 3rd Feb 2021 - GG Virtual Session # 032.
Those attending were....