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Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wed 28th Aug 2024 - Mountbatten Hospice, Newport. GG # 996.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at a new venue - the Mountbatten Hospice in Newport.  This session was funded by Mark in memory of his dear Mum, as were the refreshments at breaktime - thank you, Mark.  We had a number of tasks to complete.  Along the entrance road there is a grassy bank which earlier in the season is full of wildflowers.  This had been mown and in order to weaken the grass growth and encourage the flowers we raked off the mown grass.  Overgrown brambles were cut back from the perimeter of the car park and the car park swept and tidied.  There is a children's play area and again, brambles and ivy were cut back from the fence so that they don't encroach on the area.  Finally, a courtyard area that is used primarily by the staff was weeded, swept and tidied.  A great session and a lot was accomplished.

The main public area in the garden had been at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2015 - see link

Next week is at ANOTHER new venue - St Olave's Church in Gatcombe.

Many thanks to Alison for the words and to Terry for his  photographs.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Wed 21 Aug 2024 - Newclose Cricket Ground, Shide. GG # 995.

 Terry\s Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

We were back at Newclose Cricket Ground this week for further Himalayan Balsam pulling.  We worked from the south of the woodland northwards.  Unfortunately, at the north end of the area we found huge stands of HB, seed pods maturing and popping merrily everywhere.  I think we'll be back again next year!  Refreshments were kindly provided by the cricket club.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Wed 14th Aug 2024 - Naturezones, Blackwater. GG # 994.

Terry's Photographs. 

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Wed 7th Aug 2024 - Stone Farm, Blackwater. GG # 993.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were based at Stone Farm and back to pulling Himalayan Balsam in the paddocks and along the banks of the river.  We were last there on 26 June.  The HB had grown quite considerably, and we had plenty to keep us busy.  An effort was made to reach areas we had missed on our earlier visit.  A lot of the HB was mature, and seed pods were ready to pop - we did our best to put the seed pods into bags for disposal later.  A good session and we made quite a difference.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.