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Wednesday 24 November 2021

Wed 24th Nov 2021 - One Horse Field, Totland. GG # 862.

Terry's Photographs. 

Meeting up in the car park.

Details of where we were working.

Let the 'Great British Rake-Off' begin..!

That other good game ' Bag and Drag'😀

Time for tea and a Mark Chat.

Then back to it.

Looking GOOD..!

The compost heap.

Nicely trimmed oak tree.

This is the weather that greeted me as I left home for the GG session this week....freezing fog!

De-iced the windows, got the heater warmed up and found where the rear fog light switch was before setting off to the wilds of Totland. It has been some time since we last visited One Horse Field but nothing much has changed over there, except may be in the car park where the brambles seem to have reclaimed all the areas we had cleared in the past. 😏. Our task was very simple, collect all the grass and bracken that had been cut earlier, bag it up and remove to various compost heaps around the perimeter. A rather overgrown oak tree was given a good pruning to lift the crown.
The weather did improve during the morning and once the sun had chased the mist away it became pleasantly warm.

There are a couple of prospective venues for next week so please keep an eye on your email in tray for further details.

Many thanks to Terry for his photographs.

Friday 19 November 2021

Wed 17th Nov 2021 - Appley Park, Ryde. GG # 861.

 Terry's Photographs.

We all love a new site and this week’s is one so familiar to many of us as it is a very popular Park indeed for a seaside stroll adjacent to the beautiful Appley Beach and Ryde Esplanade.
The weather has been so mild for November and again today is no different. Thankfully the leaves are almost all shed from the tree whips which have done well in their nursery bed over the summer. They are becoming dormant. So today is the day for them to be transplanted into their final positions as feature specimens. The Park is such a fabulous green space, and we hope that these trees will grow to maturity, look fabulous themselves and provide valuable habitat and amenity to the area. We had some positive feedback from those enjoying the Park while we worked.
The other very noticeable this about the session was the way in which the sward which hadn’t been cut this summer (partly because of the trees) has become a space for wildflowers to flourish! Great to see and shows how resilient nature can be. I guess throughout all those years of ‘Appley Pitch and Putt’ and the hard and frequent mowing regime on the greens, the seeds remained in the margins, the ‘rough’ if you like! What a result! This will influence the management going forward, and what a great thing it would be if the wildflowers were allowed to spread further.
We hope to be back!

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs and Mark for the editorial.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Wed 10th Nov 2021 - Medina Park, Whippingham. GG # 860.

Terry's Photographs. 

Surveying the task.

Work gets underway.

A common frog.

Bat box construction.

Doing well..!

A Smooth Newt.

Common Toad

Assembling the bat boxes and finished items.

One MUCH tider pond...!

Not only did we have a new pace to work at this week but the job itself was a little "unusual"😀. Mark's email directions were spot on so, after parking up along Folly Lane we all congregated around the focus of our task....the pond. Prior to our arrival the lowest level had been drained of water to give us access to the dense plant life that was to be removed. To enable water plants to stay fixed in moving water they develop extensive deep roots which makes them notorious to pull up...these were no exception and certainly put up a good fight..! The other problem with pond work is making sure that you don't puncture or damage the liner. The shrubs around the pond area had become somewhat overgrown so they were treated to a tidy up "haircut".

Because we had more people than could be safely be deployed in the pond, Mark had come up with an alternative job ....manufacturing bat boxes.

As can be seen from the photos above, this was a well attended meeting and although the sky was grey, the temperature remains well above the seasonal average for November.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.

Historical Note.

Some details of the factory which still exists (but somewhat dilapidated..!) behind part of the Caravan Park.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Wed 3rd Nov 2021 - The Community Orchard, Adgestone. GG # 859.

 Terry's Photographs.

A common frog.

Just some of the litter collection..!

Everything looking very neat and tidy.

I think that I can safely say that this particular venue is well up towards the top of the GG Top Ten list. We are usually here a couple of times each year and...over the many years we have attended there has been many changes and improvements. At this time of the year we have an end of season tidy up....raking up the cut grass, trimming back summer growth, any repair jobs that are needed along with the usual litter pick..! Why oh why can't people take their litter home with them..???😡.
It was a dry session but started cold due to the first real frost of the year. I didn't do a head count but there was an amazing variety of work done so I imagine that it was well attended.
Sorry, I didn't get any information about where we will be next week so please keep an eye on your email in tray.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.
