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Wednesday 30 March 2022

Wed 30th March 2022 - Batt's Copse, Shanklin. GG # 878.

 Terry's Photographs.

Editorial will be added to this blog page when it arrives.

Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photos.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Wed 23rd March 2022 - The Riverside, Newport. GG # 877.

Terry's Photographs. 

This week our tools arrived in style..! 
Interesting to note that the E-bike made it from Shide
5 minutes faster than Mark took in the van 😏

Alan Titchmarsh (or for those who remember him...Percy ThrowerπŸ˜€)

The usual Tea Time Team Talk.

A new sport - Drag a Bag.

This week we found ourselves back at The Riverside, Newport. Proceedings opened with our tools arriving by e-bike courier - how very Green...! They were demonstrating a new delivery service that's starting up, initially in the Cowes / Newport areas but hopefully soon to be expanded across the Island.
It doesn't seem to matter how much we ever do at this venue, there is always PLENTY more to be done by the time we next visit. This time we concentrated on the area around the main entrance door, flower beds and car park, all of which benefitted from some green fingered attention. Hopefully the brambles, weeds  and buddleia has been tamed once again.
Absolutely glorious weather with sun from start to finish - please can we have more of that πŸ‘.

Next week we expect to be over at Batts Copse, Shanklin but Mark will be confirming that by e-mail closer to the time.

Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs and to E-Cargo Deliveries for dropping off the tools.

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Wed 16th March 2022 - Fort Victoria, Yarmouth. GG # 876.

Terry's Photographs. 

This week Team GG were down at Fort Victoria, a site that we haven't visited that often in recent years. Our task was to try and make good some of the damage caused by the recent winter storms where the winds off the nearby Needles were recording record breaking gusts of almost 125 mph..! As can been seen from the photos above, the weather wasn't that kind to us - the misty drizzle eventually turned into a steady downpour...πŸ’¦πŸ˜’.

Mark's Editorial.

A return this week to Fort Victoria Country Park.  One of the sites we have visited the most to help at over the years. It was fitting that we were back here today to pay tribute to a man who has been a significant force in the Park's recent history. I say recent, but Bob Edney was one of the Isle of Wight Council's longest serving officers. Almost 40 years of service until his sad passing in 2020.

Bob is greatly missed, as a friendly, reliable and helpful face of the council. So many landowners, parish councils, charities and groups like ours will miss Bob's knowledge, his diligence and skills and his quiet patience. And above all his rich and genuine love of the Island's countryside. In his memory the Isle of Wight Council instigated the 'Bob Edney Countryside Conservation Award 2021'. Today, Isle of Wight Green Gym were here to gratefully accept the award from IW Council representatives; Councillor Jonathon Bacon (Cabinet Member for Environment, Heritage and Waste Management) and Lee Matthews (Strategic Manager Recreation & Public Open Spaces) and to remember Bob's contribution to the Isle of Wight.  Many thanks gentlemen for coming over and for the Award, the contribution to our funds comes just at the right time to cover some costs on the van! Again, thank you Bob and thank you Isle of Wight Council and the judging team who thought us a worthy recipient.

We're also grateful to Anita (the Park Ranger) who attended today, out of season, to guide us on the tasks. The task in hand was to start to get the Park back in shape for the forthcoming season. Easter is just around the corner!  A lot of driftwood, washed ashore in the storms, needed scooping up. Of course that meant various plastics were recovered too, including a syringe sadly! As this was happening the Heavens opened, and not just with water, as Saharan dust had been causing the clouds to discolour this morning so it was an interesting storm. The rains kept going. Clearing the paths under cover of the trees during the second half kept us busy. We all left rather saturated however! A great session nevertheless!

Many thanks to Terry for his photographs and to Mark for his editorial.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Wed 9th March 2022 - Bouldnor Forest, Yarmouth. GG # 875.

 Terry's Photographs.

Mark's Editorial.

Have you ever had a look at the IWGG twitter page? I took the opportunity this week to change the title photo as the light and scenery was really good at Bouldnor Forest.  ...please follow!

This is a Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust heathland restoration project.  The site was a conifer plantation until around a decade ago. Once harvested of timber the aim was to reinstate the heathland habitat that once grew along this cliff top. We were today processing previously cut gorse and regenerating trees, creating a patchwork of varying heights of gorse to encourage some specialist heathland species. Plus allowing microclimates to exist at ground level.  The Heathers are doing well, it is a great place and is accessible from along the cliff path from Cranmore.

Mark Russell

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs and to Mark for the words. πŸ‘πŸ‘.
