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Friday 26 April 2024

Wed 24th April 2024 - West Wight Sports and Community Centre. GG # 978.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at West Wight Sports Centre, Freshwater.  As we have done for many years now, we were asked to clear up the flower beds at the front of the centre, facing the car park.  A variety of shrubs were trimmed back, weeds pulled, and some diseased plants removed.  The paving at the back of the centre was also cleared of weeds.  Refreshments were kindly provided by WWSC.  I am pleased to report that the crab apple tree planted in memory of Carole Walker was covered in blossom and looked beautiful.

The venue for next week is to be confirmed.

Many thanks to Alison and Terry for their blog contributions. Apologies for late publication of the blog, hopefully things will be back to normal next Wednesday.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Wed 17th April 2024 - Flowers Brook, Ventnor, GG # 977.

 Alisons Photographs.



Simon's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were back at Flowers Brook, Ventnor.  We had received a donation from B&Q of unsold spring bulbs, and these were to be planted (with guidance from the Ventnor Enhancement Group).  We had previously worked on the area around the pool at the bottom of the brook and further weeding was undertaken.   In addition, some sedges and mares tails were removed.  A lovely selection of rather tired bulbs was planted around the site.  In time they should settle, bulk up and make a good show. 

A thank you email has been received from the Ventnor Enhancement Group (see below).

Hello all,

Your handiwork is appreciated (see attached picture)!  Many thanks for donating and planting the spring bulbs at Flowersbrook.


Mike Gaukroger (former Chairman Ventnor Enhancement Fund)

Next week - West Wight Sports Centre, to be confirmed. The blog will be published later next week, hopefully by the weekend..... so, watch this space 😀.

Many thanks to Alison for her photographs and editorial and to Simon for his photographs.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Wed 10th April 2024 - Haseley Manor, Arreton. GG # 976.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were working at Haseley Manor, Arreton.  We were asked to clear a couple of waterways and to collect tree guards.  There has been so much water recently that one waterway at the far end of the site had re-routed itself to bring water onto the land rather than take it to the river.  The original ditch and nearby hedge were cleared.    Another ditch (closer to the house) was also cleared to help drain the land.  Those of us not digging ditches worked our way through the woodland removing tree guards, their plastic ties and wooden stakes.  These will be sorted and either disposed of or recycled.  The morning started off fine and dry but drizzle started towards the end of the session.  Needless to say, it was very soggy underfoot and wellies were a definite requirement.

Many thanks to Alison for her editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Wed 3rd April 2024 - Fort Victoria, Yarmouth (Part 2). GG # 975.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week, as promised, we were back at Fort Victoria, Yarmouth.  We undertook further clearance of an area covered in overgrown hazel and sycamore.  Several stacks of the cut material were created.  A small group of people went down to the beach and recovered rope that had come ashore.  A good session leaving quite an impact on the area.

Next week - Hazely Manor, Arreton.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.
