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Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Wed 17th Dec 2021 - Shide Quarry, Newport. GG # 865.
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Wed 8th Dec 2021 - Munsley Bog, Godshill. GG # 864.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Wed 1st Dec 2021 - Shanklin Cemetery. GG # 863.
Terry's Photographs.
The task was very simple, to plant the saplings that were left over from the Appley job - two weeks ago. Once the positions were carefully plotted out it was just a case of digging the hole, planting the tree then fitting a protective collar made from recycled drain pipes..! This was then surrounded by with wood chipping mulch which will hopefully hold back the growth of the surrounding grass while feeding the new saplings. Around 40 trees were planted across the unused area of the to the norther boundary. The weather was warm with blue skies and light winds, amazing considering we are now into December 👍.
Next week we will be out at Munsley Bog, Godshill - the annual GG Christmas Dinner will be after this session (Covid regulations permitting..!). The following week will be the last session for 2021 and will be held in Newport, possibly at Shide Quarry, hope that everyone will be able to attend.
Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs.
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Wed 24th Nov 2021 - One Horse Field, Totland. GG # 862.
Terry's Photographs.
This is the weather that greeted me as I left home for the GG session this week....freezing fog!
Friday, 19 November 2021
Wed 17th Nov 2021 - Appley Park, Ryde. GG # 861.
Terry's Photographs.
The weather has been so mild for November and again today is no different. Thankfully the leaves are almost all shed from the tree whips which have done well in their nursery bed over the summer. They are becoming dormant. So today is the day for them to be transplanted into their final positions as feature specimens. The Park is such a fabulous green space, and we hope that these trees will grow to maturity, look fabulous themselves and provide valuable habitat and amenity to the area. We had some positive feedback from those enjoying the Park while we worked.
The other very noticeable this about the session was the way in which the sward which hadn’t been cut this summer (partly because of the trees) has become a space for wildflowers to flourish! Great to see and shows how resilient nature can be. I guess throughout all those years of ‘Appley Pitch and Putt’ and the hard and frequent mowing regime on the greens, the seeds remained in the margins, the ‘rough’ if you like! What a result! This will influence the management going forward, and what a great thing it would be if the wildflowers were allowed to spread further.