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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Wed 14th Dec 2016 - Shide Chalk Pit, Newport. GG # 665.

Mark's Photographs.

The mist that greeted us on arrival.

Hart's-tongue fern.

Oh so busy….!

"Disposing" of the cut material

All hard at work.

Perhaps part of the old boiler,
from when this was a working quarry?

The area we cleared.

And so to the final GG Blog for 2016…! It has become something of a tradition that the final GG session of the year is held at at Shide Chalk Pit - with the Christmas celebrations, al fresco, immediately afterwards. Nick the ranger (no….not Old Nick…lol) had us cutting back the shrubs and undergrowth that surrounds the stream, to the northern edge of the pit, then drag it all to a huge bonfire for disposal. Although there was a rather cool, low lying, mist when we arrived - the sun soon climbed above the trees and it was a wonderfully bright day. The noonday temperature was up around 12C, amazing for mid-December..! Initially, the lack of a breeze gave Nick bit of a problem with getting the fire alight but he persisted and it was soon roaring away. Having worked up a real appetite, it was time to tuck into all the wonderful "goodies" that was assembled on the tables. Thank you to everyone who brought along the tasty treats and a special "thank you" to Gwen and Jeff for supplying all the piping hot jacket potatoes.

Many thanks to Mark for taking the photographs this week.

With this being the 10th year of the GG Blog, I thought you might want to have a quick look back to the first blog we did for the Xmas bash in 2006. Click on this link for a trip back in time..
Wed 13th Dec 2006 - Shide Quarry

So, that's about it for 2016 except to wish you all a Very….

and we look forward to seeing everyone next year. Enjoy the holidays!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Wed 7th Dec 2016 - Munsley Bog, Godshill. GG # 664.

Mark's Photographs.

Just so the locals know what we are doing….

Raking up the pre-cut area.

Cutting into the undergrowth.

A much clearer bog..!

Had the weather on Wednesday morning been similar to Tuesday, then I could have started this report with "Bob the Blog at Munsley Bog in the fog! In fact, Wednesday dawned clear, with an overnight temperature of 10C and the occasional glimpse of the sun - amazing for December. Having assembled at the scout's hut it was a short walk, across the playing fields, to the work area. Our friendly ranger had  made a great job of cutting down some of the overgrown patches so it was straight in with rakes and pitch-forks to clear it all away. By tea break the majority of the pre-cut area had been raked over and work continued to hand cut the willow saplings, bramble and undergrowth. This was a very well attended session but perhaps it was the GG Christmas dinner that was to follow that attracted everyone, rather than the delights of raking up at Munsley Bog…lol. Maybe one of the party revellers could write up a short report for publication? (Any photographs could be subject to censorship!)

Next week it will be our final session for 2016 and we will be having our traditional "Xmas Bash" at Shide Chalk Pit. Mark has already explained where we can park this year (revised parking plan due to the road diversion for the new Asda Store) - please be very careful if you are choosing to cross the main road. Mark would appreciate an e-mail from anyone bringing along food, just so we don't end up with hundreds of mince pies..!

This will be the final chance to buy your loved ones the "must have" present for Xmas - a wonderful Green Gym beany hat - now on sale for an amazing £3.50 - what a bargain!

Photographs this week were taken by Mark, so many thanks to him.
