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Wednesday 25 April 2007

Wed 25th April 2007 - Dinosaur Isle Sandown.

Something a little different this week.....building rather than destroying ....! We were tasked with planting up a flower bed with drought / salt water tolerent plants. This is one of several that are being trialed on the Island - you may have seen the one at Yarmouth which is thriving with no watering other than rain. The soil was raked over to remove the larger stones before rolling out a weed resistant matting. The plants were then put out as per the planting plan, holes cut through the matting and the plants dug in as per normal using a handful of time release fertilizer pellets under each plant. The matting is then carefully tucked back around the plant to ensure that no mositure is allowed to escape. Once the whole area was planted up the matting was covered in gravel - which once again helps trap any moisture. The whole area was then raked over to level the gravel and ensure that there was an even amount over the whole bed. We are all looking forward to seeing the results as the plants develop. The weather was cloudy with the odd rain shower - so just about as good as it gets for planting out.

The County Press photographer was in attendance so keep an eye on the CP this week (or next) - you might see a picture of our efforts. Thanks to Carrie for the before and after shots shown above.

Friday 20 April 2007

Wed 18th April 2007 - Golden Hill Fort.

This week we were back out into the wilderness of the West Wight - at Golden Hill Fort. The task was to lay more crushed limestone to improve the many footpaths in the area, a job that we are becoming VERY familiar with ....! The rangers had been so suprised by the speed at which we completed a similar task last week, that they decided to push us that little bit further this time. They had pre-delivered 3 piles of limestone (each at 2 tonnes!) - not only did we manage to do this but they had to get a further supply from the adjacent building suppliers...... well done Green Gymers - we won! In addition to all the shovelling and wheelbarrowing, part of the team were involved in cutting back the undergrowth to make the pathways more accessable.
The weather was once again wonderful - more like mid summer that spring.... fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Wed 11th April 2007 - Afton Marsh

Remember those pointless questions that we all used to do in maths at school.......if 1 person takes 3 days to move 6 tons of ballast.....then how long will it take.....??????????? Well - the answer is 6 tons in 45 MINUTES....when you get the Green Gym involved...! Richard, the Countryside Ranger, was astounded at the progress we made at turning a huge pile of ballast into a 3 foot wide path...see the attached pictures (thanks to Hilary). The path ran to the north from Blackbridge Road to where the footbridge crosses the stream. The dog walkers and joggers should now be able to keep their feet dry when the going gets wet. Other tasks undertaken included trimming overhanging branches and the removal of numerous sycamore saplings from alongside the footpaths. The weather today was almost like summer and someone was heard to say "Well if this is global warming - then keep it coming!"

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Wed 4th April 2007 - Rew Down Ventnor.

Our task this week was out at Rew Down Ventnor - to continue the work we have done on several previous visits. The work cosisted of :-

1: Cutting back the numerous Cotoneaster bushes that have sprung up everywhere on this down.
2. Fencing and stile building at the north eastern corner.
3. Collecting and transporting the logs that had been cut previously.

Once again the weather was kind to us and altough there was a cool wind, the jackets were soon off as the pace of work increased...!!! This is a wonderful site to work at - with stunning views down over Ventnor town and out over the sea.

Apologies to our readers for the late publication of this building work has been pressing...!
