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Wednesday 29 November 2023

Wed 29th Nov 2023 - Merstone Station. GG # 961.

 Alison's Photographs.

Mark's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at Merstone Station working with Gift to Nature.  We were asked to help tidy up the site.  There was long grass to be scythed at either end of the site and around the orchard on the far side of the platform.  An overgrown hedgerow of bramble was cut back and the edges of the platform were cleared.  Some of the cut material was used to build a hibernaculum.  The cut bramble will be chopped up mechanically and used as a mulch.  Again, another good turnout and a lot of work was achieved.

Many thanks to Alison for her editorial and photographs this week and to Mark for his photographs.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Wed 22nd Nov 2023 - Fort Victoria, Yarmouth. GG # 960.

Terry's Photographs. 

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at Fort Victoria, Yarmouth.  As can be seen by the excellent photos we were asked to clear two of the large beds which had become completely overwhelmed by their plants but also by ivy and bramble as well.  The plan is to replace the planting with more appropriate coastal plants - thrift, sea campion, sea holly, sea aster and sea lavender (there is definitely a theme here)!!  Some are still seeds so patience will be required. The arisings were burnt on a fire within the picnic area.  The boundary of the picnic area was also cut back and a litter pick was undertaken.

In contrast to recent weather conditions, we had a fabulous morning - dry and clear with a cool breeze.  This encouraged a considerable turnout and 3 new people joined us.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and to Terry for taking the photographs.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Wed 15th Nov 2023 - Flowers Brook, Ventnor. GG # 959

Terry's Photographs. 

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at Flowers Brook, Ventnor, helping the Ventnor Enhancement Fund team.  We were asked to help clear the banks of the brook as the greenery had got out of hand.  In the spring, they hold a fundraising duck race and therefore need to be able to see the ducks!  A considerable amount of bramble was also removed from the facing bank.  We were fortunate enough to enjoy a beautiful warm sunny day and this encouraged a good turn out.  As can be seen by the photos we made quite a difference.

 Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs, nice to see good weather for once...!

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Wed 8th Nov 2023 - The Riverside, Newport. GG # 958.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.
This week we were at the Riverside Centre.  On a previous visit we had been asked to reduce the height of planting so that car drivers' visibility on leaving the car park was improved.  This time we were asked to remove the planting completely as they want to replant with lower growing /prostrate plants.  We attempted to do this.... BUT we were severely hampered by torrential rain and high winds.  Everything got very muddy very quickly!  Some plants were more resistant than others and mattocks were used.....  Eventually we surrendered to the conditions and will no doubt have to revisit to complete the job.

We retreated to PC's Cafe in Watergate Lane for our much delayed AGM and to dry off.

Many thanks to Alison and Terry for their contributins, especially as the weather was so appalling...!

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Wed 1st Nov 2023 - Golden Hill Fort, Freshwater. GG # 957.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

Today we were at Golden Hill Fort, working with Gift to Nature.  We were asked to tidy up the willow maze and the concrete structures still visible on the site.  Some of the main structural branches in the willow maze had sprouted so these were trimmed and the areas around the bottom of the maze were weeded so that the shape was more sharply defined. 

The concrete structures on site are part of the military camp built in WWI.  The concrete we were asked to work on today was the base of the 'ablution shed' and still shows the position of the urinals.  A considerable amount of brambles and weeds were removed.

The recent weather has proved quite a problem over the past week or so - today we were fortunate to have sunshine, a light breeze and just a few very few small showers.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and to Terry for the photographs.
