Team GG stragglers at the end of 2020...!
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Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Wed 30th Dec 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 027.
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Wed 16th Dec 2020 - Shide Quarry, Newport. GG # 836.
This week we continued last week's task, scrub clearance down in the chalk quarry at Shide. Due to the present Covid regulations, it was not possible to hold our traditional Xmas party but almost everyone brought along their own drinks and refreshments which were consumed whilst keeping socially distant. You can see from the photos above that it was a rather grey day, with little wind, hence the bonfire smoke lingering in the bowl of the quarry but there was still a good turn-out. Well done to all those who managed to attend.
Make sure that you look after yourselves over the upcoming holiday season and we hope to see everyone back at Green Gym in 2021 (it just HAS to be better than 2020..!).
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Wed 9th Dec 2020 - Shide Quarry, Newport. GG # 835.
Terry's Photos.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Wed 2nd Dec 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 026.
Team GG members that were in attendance this week were.....
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Wed 25th Nov 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 025.
Those attending this week's Zoom session....
Unlike nearly all damsons, bullaces may be either "white" (i.e. yellow or green) or "black" (i.e. blue or purple) in colour, and ripen up to six weeks later in the year.[3] Though smaller than most damsons, bullaces are much larger than the closely related sloe.[3] Their flavour is usually rather acidic until fully ripe.
The question of wether we will be able to hold our traditional Christmas Bash at Shide Quarry this year was raised - at the moment there are just too many unknowns but let's all keep our fingers crossed.
Take care everyone and stay safe...😷.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Wed 18th Nov 2020 - GG Virtual session # 024.
Well readers...I am sorry to report that I didn't manage to log on to this week's Zoom session...😒.
I sat down just before 10:00, found Mark's email and clicked on the link to Zoom...just like I have done every other week.. but all I got was this...
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Wed 11th Nov 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 023.
The was the happy bunch on this Wednesday morning....
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Wed 4th Nov 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 022.
This week's Zoomers....
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Wed 28th Oct 2020 - Queensgate Primary School, East Cowes. GG # 834.
Terry's Photographs.
The job first was to re-profile slightly the margins around the pond, variously on the different sides; allowing for children to sweep their dipping nets on one; allow a shallowly sloping relief for invertebrates on another; with some too being shelved to enable planting to create marginal habitat. Well done team! Then there was the stone and gravel to be rakes away, clearing anything which might puncture the liner. The old carpet, plus protective membrane and finally the Greenseal pond liner was laid.
Rainwater is by far the best water to use in ponds, it being much lower in nutrients than tap water, so not encouraging algal growth. So, again thanks to the funding, we installed guttering and a water butt on the nearby shed. Remarkably all achieved before the rains set in, so lucky!
Link to the school's newsletter...
Many thanks to Terry & Mark for the photographs and to Mark for the comprehensive editorial 👍.