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Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wed 31st July 2024 - Medina Riverside Park, Newport. GG # 992.

 Terry's Photographs.

A Rusty Tussock Moth

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were at Medina Riverside Park helping Gift to Nature with the management of the grass area.  We were asked to rake off the cut grass and load it onto the back of their trucks.  The grass was then offloaded onto hibernaculums at either end of the area.  The grass had been cut with a high cut to protect any small creatures hiding within it.  It was a very hot day - we enjoyed the shade at break time and admired the fierce looking caterpillar on one of the trees (see pic).

Next weeks' venue has not yet been confirmed, so keep an eye on your emails.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wed 24th July - Brading Down. GG # 991.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week were back on Brading Down helping Gift to Nature with ragwort pulling.  We concentrated our efforts on a relatively small plot along the bridleway and by the end of the session we had made a visible difference.  Terry's excellent photos show the extent of the task.  There is plenty left for the insect life that depends on it!  Courtesy of the GG coffers we enjoyed the annual ice cream at break time.

Many thanks to Alison for her editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Wed 17th July 2024 -Newclose Cricket Ground, Shide. GG # 990.

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were back at Newclose Cricket Ground working through the woodland pulling the Himalayan Balsam.  The southernmost part was checked through and we then concentrated on the northern part of the woodland where we found generous stands of mature plants (but not quite ready to seed).  It was wet underfoot due to the recent rain and there was a little incident where one of our GG-ers had to leave her wellies in the mud.  Teamwork rescued her and the wellies and all was well.  By the end of the session a huge amount of HB had been pulled.

Refreshments were kindly provided by the Cricket Club and Mark.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Wed 10th July 2024 - Birchmore Pond Area. GG # 989..

 Terry's Photographs.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were back at Birchmore pulling Himalayan Balsam along the verges of the cycle path and banks of the Merstone stream.   HB was relatively easy to spot as it is now in flower and very tall. There was plenty for us to do despite us being here just a few weeks ago.  The more intrepid GG-ers braved the steep banks and worked from the stream. 

 Next weeks venue is yet to be confirmed.

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wed 3rd July 2024 Brading Down. GG € 988.

 Terry's Photographs.

Photo shows a kestrel we saw hovering and then swooping down to catch a small mammal.  
The kestrel then flew into the tree to eat its prey.

Alison's Editorial.

This week we were on Brading Down helping Gift to Nature with ragwort removal.  This is a slightly controversial task as although it is toxic to livestock should it get into their forage, it is the food plant for the cinnabar moth larvae.  (Wikipedia advises that the cinnabar moth has been introduced to Australasia and N America to help control ragwort!) We were asked to leave any plants that had caterpillars on them.  We all set to and then a rain cloud rolled in.  There was enough rain to make it worthwhile putting on waterproofs, but it didn't last long.  By the end of the session the back of Danny's truck was piled high with ragwort and another pile was created by the fence line for collection later.  

Many thanks to Alison for the editorial and Terry for the photographs.
