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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Wed 28th Feb 2018 - Session CANCELLED - due to "The Beast from the East"! GG # 724.

Today we should have been at the Red Squirrel Dell in Ryde but the weather put a stop to that.
Earlier this morning Mark sent out the attached e-mail -


Another update, I've just spoken to Helen in Ryde and it's fine over there, but me getting there might be a problem, see attached photo. 

So reluctantly I'm calling the GG off today I'm afraid guys.

we'll pencil the Red Squirrel Dell in for the 28th March!

take care and keep warm

See you next week, I'll email again about the exact location for next week


About the same time, I took this picture of the car at home..

Yes...I know....not a LOT of snow but more is forecasted and the Island is notoriously bad at dealing with even a few flakes on the

Gizmo was watching me take the photograph, perhaps he had the right idea....STAY INDOORS!

This was the BBC forecast at 09:00 - just look at the "feels like" value.... -9C.. and more snow to come. Must admit, having been outside, that wind is bitter!

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Wed 21st Feb 2018 - Morton Marsh, Sandown. GG # 723.

Terry's Photographs.

A hitching post for Merlin (the dog)?

Team GG being busy...busy...BUSY.

The fire gets underway.

Nice views of the re-profiled river bank.

Lots of GGmers at the tea break.

Anyone want to buy some logs?

Our "bosses" for the day.

Two above, one below - what a difference!

Getting tools etc to and from this site is a bit
of a logistical nightmare...!

Another new site for GG to work on this week.... the eastern end of Morton Marsh. We have worked on the western end several times before but this week it was new territory for us to explore. Access to the site was from the footpath off Perone Way, then it was out across the rather soggy marshland to where the bonfire was sited. Mark had to park the van at an entrance off the main Brading - Sandown road so it was a bit of a hike to cross the boggy ground to collect all the tools. It was very apparent that there had been a considerable amount of work carried out here recently, evident by the re-profiled river banks and numerous piles of cut trees and bushes. A simple task for us then, collect all the material from the pre-dumped piles and drag / carry it to the fire. As is always the problem when working on marshy ground, it only takes a few people to travel to and from before the ground starts to resemble quick sand (mud?). Fortunately there was a large pile of cut marsh grass nearby so this was used to try and stabilise where we were transiting. With the fire roaring away we made excellent progress at reducing the number of piles of cuttings and by the end of the session this area was almost cleared. It was (for once!) a rain free session and there was even periods of blue sky. Perhaps it was the clement weather but the number of GGmers attending seemed to be up on recent weeks - so well done everyone for your efforts.

Please note... Photographs have now been added to last week's blog. Want to see just how muddy it was? Then jump back one week.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs this week.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Wed 14th Feb 2018 - Dickson's Copse, Newport. GG # 722.

Mark's Photographs.

If ever there was a song that summed up a particular GG session then it has to this one...

Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there let me wallow in glorious mud.

(Copyright - Flanders and Swann)

Although Mark had forewarned us by e-mail that wellies would be required, I don't think we were really prepared for just how muddy this session was going to get! With one team working at cutting down the willow that is trying it's best to take over the marsh, the others started digging trenches across the flooded areas of footpath. Once the trenches were dug down deep enough, pipes were installed to carry the water under the pathway with rock filled catchment sumps to stop the pipes becoming blocked. Just below the surface is thick, sticky, yellow clay - fine for making bricks and cement but awful to try and hand dig..! The marsh team did a wonderful job at cutting back the willow, the remains of which was piled high in "islands" around the area. Not an easy task when standing in welly deep mud and water. Hopefully, at a later date, the remaining stumps will be treated to stop any regrowth. Although the session started dry, by tea break the rain had started and became even heavier towards the end of the session. What a way to spend Valentine's Day..!!!

Many thanks to Mark for taking the photographs this week.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Wed 7th Feb 2018 - Nansen Hill, Ventnor. GG # 721.

Terry's Photographs.

Just in case you don't read the title banner
and are uncertain where we were working .... 

The long trek to the worksite (see text below)

But, when you get to the top, what a VIEW...!

Getting "stuck in".

What a fine body of GGmers!

A much needed tea break for something warm.

Hacking into the wilderness.

Amazing views from up there.

Just some of the areas we have now cleared.

I seem to remember there was an old Clint Eastwood movie called 'Heartbreak Ridge" - GG has renamed Nansen Hill on a similar theme " Heart Attack Hill"...! You would think we would have all learned our lesson when we visited here just a few weeks ago, but no, a full team turned up for the physical punishment of climbing THE hill. We were to continue cutting back the undergrowth that would slowly take over this valuable downland if it wasn't for the likes of us hacking it all down. Had the wind not been so cold (it was a North Easterly - brrrr!) then it would have been a perfect day for the job in hand. The bonfire seemed to be very reluctant to get started, even with the stiff wind cutting across,  but eventually it was coaxed into life and a considerable amount of cuttings were disposed of. We managed to arrange the tea break site out of the wind but still able to take in the glorious views across the eastern side of the Island, with a back drop of the Mainland beyond - truly stunning to see. Strangely enough, it was a whole lot easier coming back down that hill than it was going up!

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs this week.
