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Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wed 30th May 2018 - Bodster Equine Assisted Learning CIC, Godshill. GG # 737.

Terry's Photographs.

Nature corner.

A caterpillar of the Mullein Shark Moth on mullein (verbascum).

A ground beetle.

We returned and there was great relief it wasn't raining! Sadly we were done out of the stunning view as the clouds were hanging low and moisture was in the air, albeit very light.  The job in hand was to continue from a couple of weeks ago, when we got well and truly soaked, hence the relief, and to weed the sensory garden of grasses and the like. We then used, as can be seen, some membrane to prevent them re-establishing and planted through the membrane some fresh and colourful planting. We look forward to seeing them mature as hopefully Jo will send us some pics in the summer.

Many thanks to Terry for this week's excellent photographs and to Mark for writing the editorial.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wed 23rd May 2018 - Dickson's Copse, Dodnor, Newport. GG # 736.

Terry's Photographs.

Adjacent to where we working today.

The pre-session briefing.

Work starts on the pathway drainage scheme.

Clearing back the undergrowth.

New steps - part one.

Tea in the sun...!

Site clearance for the new seating feature.

New steps - part two.

Temporary pathway repairs by the pond.

New steps - part one - after completion.

Caterpillar of a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing moth.

Caterpillar of a Lackey moth.

This week we were back down at Dickson's Copse which is just off Stag Lane at Newport. Apparently, there is to be a seat come cycle rack sculpture installed when the path to the mill pond meets the cycle track - overlooking the old cement mills site. To enable them to do a proper ground survey, we were asked to clear the area of all undergrowth, rocks, litter etc. Other members of Team GG went off to continue the footpath drainage work that we started here last session and to build two flights of steps on the steeper parts of the woodland walk. We also did some temporary repairs to waterlogged area of the path, adjacent to the pond. All in all a very "energetic" session as the materials and tools had to be wheelbarrowed a considerable distance through the woods...! Unlike several of our last visits here, when we all got soaked to the skin in the rain, the weather was glorious with sun throughout. A well attended session in spite of the somewhat distant parking arrangements.
The GG AGM was held at the Stag Inn following the work session.

Many thanks to Terry for taking this week's photographs.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Wed 16th May 2018 - Play Lane Millennium Green, Ryde. GG # 735.

Terry's Photographs.

Our first visit of the year to the Green was on a beautiful spring day, one of those days when it's great to be working out of doors.  Once we'd had an initial walk around to assess where the deploy the troops we set about improving the access on the path network in various ways. There was some crushed limestone to lay to help with rutting along the edges of the path where mobility scooters had experienced difficulties over the past wet months, how great though that this slightly remote site is used by those unable to access it on foot.  We also cut back overhanging boughs and of course spent some time digging and lopping the ever present problem of bramble on the butterfly meadow... it was looking good though for emerging wildflowers and will I'm sure alive with insects again during the summer.

A note from Mark about the last three photographs shown above.

I'm wondering if the bracket fungus could be Dryad's Saddle, but I'm no fungus expert and am working from the  photo only. But it's the right, time of year, right location and shape etc.  Feel free to speculate this as a id.
The young tree is, as I thought, a Walnut (the site contact has confirmed this) but I'm unsure as to what the little pupa could be.  

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs and to Mark for the editorial.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Wed 9th May 2018 - Norton Spit, Yarmouth. GG # 734.

Terry's Photographs.

Starting out from the van...

.....over the car park to the mill...

...out along towards the old railway line....

...whilst taking in the views!

Pick up new bags from the van...

..out past the sailing club, over the bridge...

...ready for tea break on Norton Spit.

Split into two heading towards Fort Victoria..
and the others combing the spit itself.

No bad for a mornings work..!

Two or three times a year, Mark gives us a real treat and schedules the GG session at one of the many beautiful beaches here on the Island. Today it was the area to the south and west of Yarmouth that got our full attention. The pictures above track our route and also show that the weather was 500% better than at the GG session last week! Not quite the all time record breaking temperatures that we had over the May Day bank holiday, but lots of sun and light winds. I think it would be fair to say that we had to look hard for the litter we collected today so the residents of Yarmouth, and the visitors, are to be congratulated on their litter regime.

A note from Mark reference caterpillars...

 Yes I agree they are Brown Tail Moth caterpillars. As you say these can cause irritation if handled. In most cases these get left alone, only if they are likely to come into contact with people do authorities act.  

I'll report them to the IWC ecologist but I think it is too late for control measures for they are now spread through the undergrowth eating the Bramble the webs have been spun upon.  

many thanks

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs this week.
