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Thursday 25 October 2007

Wed 24th Oct 2007 - Mundsley Bog Godshill.

This week can be best summed up by the statement " Back to the Bog"...... Mundsley Bog at Godshill to be exact...! We were here a couple of weeks ago (see the blog dated 9th Oct) and returned to continue clearing the overgrown areas. Good progress was made at clearing the areas to the north and south of the raised footpath that runs through here, hopefully the water plants will now start to establish themselves once again. The area to the north of the carpark was also cleared making the "kurb appeal" of the place look much nicer.
Green Gym members we spoiled with having an internal venue for our coffee break (the Scout Hut) and Jeff did us proud by bringing along loads of home made cake....... It was great..many thanks Jeff (and to your good lady wife who made it)
Although it was half term (so no St George's this week) the meeting was well attended and we even had visitors from the mainland. The weather was kind to us - in fact it was excellent considering that we are getting towards the end of October. Fingers crossed for the rest of the winter.
Carrie supplied the a big thank you to her.

Friday 19 October 2007

Wed 17th Oct 2007 - St George's Newport.

St George's at Newport was the Green Gym workplace this week - helping with the wonderful work that they are doing there to improve the school grounds. Our tasks were to cut a new woodland pathway and to construct a grass turfed seat - the same as the ones we have done already at Merstone and Sunny Crest nursery. The jobs were both completed in the time although we will have to return at a later date to remove the seat support boards and to turf the whole thing. The soil needs time to consilidate before the wooden panels are removed. Hopefully we will have a completed picture at a later date.

Thanks to Carrie for the pics - even if she does take a less than flattering shot of your blog master (I am the one showing his rear end!) - nice one Carrie... :-)

Friday 12 October 2007

Wed 9th Oct 2007 - Mundsley Bog Godshill

The Green Gymers assembled at Mundsley Bog Godshill this Wednesday for the Battle of the Bog....! Since our last visit, the whole site had become very overgrown with bracken, brambles and some very well established willow trees. All of the above stop the marshland plants that they are trying to encourage in this area so, the only option is to clear the site. As can been seen from the above "before and after" shots, good progress was made and the area looks a whole lot better after it's haircut. It will need at least another two or three visits to cut back the whole area but it was amazing what progress was made in 3 hours...... well done to all those who attended.
Thanks again to our cub reporter Carrie for the excellent photographs.

Thursday 4 October 2007

Wed 3rd Oct 2007 - Kitbridge Farm.

The Green Gymers were back at Kitbridge Farm this week....... and as per usual, Mark had PLENTY of work for us! The major task was to try and rediscover the footpath to the south of the farm which has become very overgrown due to many years of neglect. After hacking our way into the brambles and weeds we started to discover fallen trees and needed to use Faithful Fergy to drag them out into the open (see picture above). Now we have removed the trees and larger items, it is hoped to bring in a mechanical flail to cut the remainder back.
The second major task was down at the bridge where we worked during our last visit. The kind local youths had taken the brickwork that we had recovered previously - and thrown it back into the stream....... Many thanks guys...! We cleared the stream....again.....and used the (now damaged) brickwork to make the footpath usable once again.
The new ponds that have been dug recently are already attracting wildlife and one even had a child's scooter in the bottom - so kind of the local kids to put in an artifical reef for us. Needless to say the scooter has been recovered - any offers for a very usable scooter?
Thanks to Carrie for the pics - nice to have you back with us again....!

Monday 1 October 2007

Wed 26th Sept 2007 - Pan Meadow.

Our Wednesday morning this week was given over to "weed wacking" at the area known as Pan Meadow. This is the area between the main road outside Newport football stadium and the river - well worth a walk along there if you are in the area. We had, on previous visits, tackled the seriously overgrown areas of brambles, trees, weeds etc and this time it just needed a short back and sides - to cut down this year's weed growth. The session was well attended and good progress was made at cutting back and stacking the cut undergrowth. The weather is now starting to drop off temperature wise but at least we had another dry day.......always a bonus...!

No pictures this week - If any do turn up I will attach them to the blog later. See you all on next Wednesday.......better bring the wellies....!
