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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Wed 30th Sept 2020 - Millennium Green, Ryde. GG # 830.

 Mark's Photographs.

Working on the Butterfly Meadow.

All tidy and ready for next spring.

'We had 2 groups of 6 this week working on the Green. I must say it was lovely to be back, it is a super site. The meadow had obviously been abundant with flowers earlier in the year as there were seed heads aplenty. Some flowers still hung on, this is a scabius shown above.
This though is the time for a cut and rake off of the season's growth and while one group of spacially distanced volunteers set about doing that another dispersed around the site's many paths and trails to cut back encroaching vegetation where needed. 
It was completed just as the weather was changing, lucky for once!'

Many thanks to Mark for the editorial and photos this week.👍

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Wed 23rd Sept 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 021.

Those who made it "on parade" this week...

 Because of the ever changing Covid-19 regulations we found ourselves staring at a computer screen once again on Wednesday morning 😏. Each time they change the goal posts we need time to find out if we can still run a "proper" GG session without incurring the wrath of Boris...! We had a general on line discussion and, as far as we can see, if Mark can find the right venues then there should be no problem holding outdoor session. There was a suggestion that when we are working in groups of six, each member of that group is handed a coloured card to remind them not to just drift around the other groups. Tony came up with the idea that we should all wear hi-vis clothing so members of the public assume we are working for Island Roads...I can see a snag there because we actually get on and do something which will immediately blow our cover 😀. Bob (The Weather) is convinced that we will all be legit if we don green leotards and claim we are doing an outdoor gym session... not so sure about THAT one..especially with the winter months coming along..!

Mark then brought us all back to reality by explaining what might be possible for GG sessions in the near future. National Trust are still reluctant to use volunteers right now but G2N may have a job for us over at Sandown Orchard (provisionally pencilled in for 7th Oct). Other possible maybes All Saints Church Freshwater, Freshwater Sports Centre and Millennium Green at Ryde. Watch this space and your emails for updates.

We hope that you are all making the best of this rather unusual situation,  look after yourselves and remember...STAY SAFE 😷.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Wed 16th Sept 2020 - Merstone Station. GG # 829.

 Terry's Photographs.

The setting for today's venue.

Mark giving us a brief...lots of Covid rules to follow..!

Away we go..back to REAL work 😊

Making hay while the sun shines..?

Of course we can squeeze in another bag....

A well earned (socially distant) tea break.

How to do a 4 man lift whilst remaining 2 metres apart.

The finished job...doesn't the orchard look good now..!

Not bad for a morning's work.
Nature Corner.

Now...that really is luxurious high rise living for insects.

A little vole that wanted to hide under a sack.
He soon scampered safely away.

Back out "in the field" this week....YAY..! This time of the year we usually visit Merstone Station to carry out what Mark terms "The Great British Rake Off" and in spite of ever changing Covid-19 regs, we have managed to get back there once again.  The rangers pre cut the summer grass and it is our job to collect it all up and give the place a full makeover before the winter months set in. The photographs above show exactly what is involved and the space made it is easy to conform to a maximum of 6 in each working party with all individuals staying socially distant. The weather was kind, warm and sunny and we had a good turnout of GGmers.

Due to the present "unusual" circumstances, it isn't possible to have our program publish in advanced. Mark did hint about a few possible future venues so keep an eye on your e-mails for further updates.

Stay safe everyone.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs this week.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Wed 9th Sept 2020 - The Riverside Centre, Newport. GG # 828.

 Terry's Photographs.

What "meeting up" looks like under social distancing rules.

Straight into the tasks...

Please note the 2 metre 

The car park area looking MUCH tidier.

The flower bed we put in some time ago got a "weed-over".

Nature Spot.

Square-spot Rustic Moth.

Although the arrangements for today's session weren't announced until the day before, around a dozen of us found our way along to the Riverside Centre for a REAL GG session..! The team talk at the beginning reminded us of the importance of observing the two metre rule at all times and judging by the photos above, everyone worked hard at conforming...well done all. Our main effort was to try and give the upper and lower car parking areas an end of season trim back and also tidy up some of the bordering flower beds. I think that the photographs above show we did a good job, the whole area was looking better cared for come the end of the session.
In light of the government's change of policy (again..!) about group meetings, announced yesterday and coming into force next Monday, we are not sure if we will be able to have any more "real" GG sessions for the foreseeable future 😟. It was discussed at tea break and Mark was of the opinion that we will see how the new rules are generally interpreted before making a decision about next Wednesday. As per usual...keep an eye on your e-mails for an update.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Wed 2nd Sept 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 020.

 This week's Zoomers....

After the excitement of being outdoors for our Wednesday morning last week, going back to Zoom again was a little disappointing 😞. There is hope on the horizon that our outdoor sessions will be resuming soon so please keep an eye on your e-mails for updates. Mark has been liaising with Nick about possible future dates at Merstone, Pan Meadows and One Horse Field - all of which will involve end of season raking (The BIG British Rake Off 😁) hopefully good venues for social distancing. The churchyard job at Freshwater is still a possibility so we might be getting back to some sort of normality soon 👏.

 If you have seen on various media streams about the Shide fire, it was the building that Nick has as offices and where GG keeps the equipment (on the same site). Although the entrance area had considerable fire damage and some of the rooms have been exposed to smoke / heat, it appears that the fire brigade arrive just in time. We wish them well at clearing up and getting things sorted.

General discussion this week started with the usual topic of Island Roads, went on to the floating bridge fiasco and then lockdown activities we had tried to keep fit and sane! I mentioned several projects that are still underway, one of which involved the purchase of a "hoverboard" which I am still trying to master. Have a look at the following link to see the progress that Gizmo and I have made so far 😀...

Take care everyone and STAY SAFE.
