I just knew I shouldn't have mentioned Green Gym's good luck with the weather in the last blog - as we had a wet morning this Wednesday! At least it didn't pour down all morning - more like short, sharp showers. It was nice to return to this site and see how the children had been developing the grounds since our last visit. Everything was looking very good but we were tasked to work on 3 main areas. The "natural" area had become very overgrown with brambles so these were cut back and the roots dug out. The willow trees to the south of this area were cut back to allow the sunlight access and allow regrowth (hopefully NOT brambles!) The pond area had the perimeter hedge trimmed back and the pond weed was skimmed off and a general tidy up. The third task was to cut back some of the non-native trees and shrubs along the woodland walk area, once again to let the sunlight through. A good turnout of GGmers considering it was half term holidays and the less than perfect weather!
Many thanks to Carrie for the photographs this week.