Carrie's Report.

This week saw us at a site we have worked at many times, the community orchard in Adgestone. Unfortunately, the torrential rain the night before meant that the site was VERY waterlogged, so Mark had to do some quick thinking about some different tasks for us. He soon came up with a selection of work - one group were tasked with cutting up a fallen tree and using the cut pieces to block off the area so people could not walk through and damage the flora and fauna. Group two were tasked with repair work on the steps which lead down to the orchard, and yet another with clearing a large area of nettles. The last group did some more work on the hedge which was started on our last visit. This gave us some good practice for the hedgelaying competition, which is usually held on the last Saturday in February - this year it will be at Bathingbourne Lane. Quite a large section of hedge was completed, and it is hoped we can return to the site for further practice and to finish the area up to the road.
Mark's Report.
At the Wetland Walk this week we
- renewed the steps
- pruned the fruit trees
- removed some sycamore
- make a head hedge from a fallen tree
- Continued to hedge lay the top boundary
- trimmed the hedges and cut overhanging branches
all in all a very successful day.
STOP PRESS..... GG featured in a report.....see County Press, top of page 27 for details...!
Many thanks to Carrie and Mark for their reports this week.