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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Wed 30th Sept 2015 - Old St Swithin's Churchyard, Thorley. GG # 604.

Above and below - some areas needing our attention.

The ivy covered stone wall….

Hay making.

Pulling ivy from the stone.

A well earned tea break!

See…there was a wall under all that ivy.

Looking better….

Some of the collection points.

Wow…what a difference…!

It is almost 4 years ago when we last visited this site so everyone was interested to see what had been happening in our absence. For once we had a pleasant surprise…. the area looked to be in good order - not the overgrown wilderness we were confronted with on our first visit..! This time the grass had recently been cut but needed to be raked-up into mini hay stacks around the plot. Other GGmers worked at clearing a boundary area to the west of the field and removing all the (considerable) ivy along a stone wall. Others were instructed to carry out various tasks around the old stone building - giving the whole area a general makeover in a morning. I feel sure that the photographs show the extent of the work far better than my words can describe. This is a wonderful venue to work at with views out over the adjoining fields, which were being ploughed during our visit.

Many thanks to the owners of Thorley Manor Farm who allowed us the use of an adjacent paddock to park our cars.

A big thank you to Sue for taking the photographs this week.

Friday 25 September 2015

News flash..! Wroxall Station.

For those GG members who enjoyed our recent session at the former Wroxall Station, have a look at the County Press, dated Sept 25th 2015, page 20. Apparently, Shademakers UK (our hosts for that day) have won a £10,000 grant from the National Lottery and will be using it to create a community hub on the site. Green Gym does get a mention in the article and it seems as though we might be doing further work there in the future…? Oh no, not more of that yummy cake…!!!!!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Wed 23rd Sept 2015 - Sandown Meadows, Lake. GG # 603.

Sue's Photographs.

Right…..where do we start..????

Just a part of the cleared area…!

Parrot's Feather (another invasive non-native species!)

A Field Bug (species of Shield Bug).

In contrast to some of our recent GG sessions (they were somewhat "damp") the weather this week was a bright, autumnal day. Having parked up, it was a bit of a trek to the work site which was further along the road and through a rather boggy meadow. The task was to cut back the bramble and undergrowth that had overgrown a barbed-wire fence. Once the fencing had been revealed, the wire was removed allowing us to cut back right up to the edge of the stream that ran along the boundary. The fencing will eventually be replaced using new support posts as most of the originals had rotted away at the base.  The undergrowth material was cut away, collected up and then piled on a bonfire which made swift work of the disposal..! This session was well attended and the full extent of the southern boundary was cleared all ready for the new fencing to be erected. Well done to all those who attended and managed to achieve so much in just a few short hours.
For a couple of our GG members who's are feeling a bit under the weather at the moment, we all wish you speedy recoveries and hope you are tracking our work sessions on this blog! Hurry back soon….

Many thanks to Sue for the superb photographs this week.

Friday 18 September 2015

Press Release…!

Our recent 600th Green Gym session has been acknowledged in the IoW County Press - dated 18th Sept 2015, page 37. Under the title "Cake and hard work to mark milestone" there is a nice piece of editorial outlining some of the group's history and also the work we undertake. Along with a nice "at work" shot is a group photograph with Mark in the foreground holding the anniversary cake.

Didn't we do well…!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Wed 16th Sept 2015 - Birchmore Pond, Blackwater. GG # 602.

The work starts.

The brave ones in the water.

Tree felling.

Trawling out the dead weed.

The neighbours show an interest in our work.

A much clearer pond bank.

Almost one year ago we visited Birchmore Pond and during that session it bucketed down with rain. This week our GG session was held there, so guess what, it bucketed it down again…! It all started well, overcast but dry, but by the time we stopped for tea the rain had started and continued for the rest of the session. In spite of the adverse conditions, we managed to do a tremendous amount of clearance work around the edges of the pond, allowing much more of the water exposure to the sun. Pathways around the site were cleared of the summer growth plus the usual trimming of overhanging shrubs and litter picking. Some of the pond had the dead material dredged out which involved two GG members donning the waders and launching themselves into the water….. well done to both of you! The again, perhaps they stayed drier than the remainder of us working ashore…! This is a wonderful site and a "must visit" if you are walking the cycleway between Blackwater and Merstone (follow the signs to NatureZones and the pond is just before you get there, on the right).

Many thanks to Sue for the photographs this week.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Wroxall Station North - Historical Photograph circa 1952.

Since we had that GG session working out at the old Wroxall Station, I have been searching for a photograph showing the original buildings layout. I drew a complete blank but…… Bob (the Weather) has come up with the following. (Sorry it is on it's side but that is the only way Blogger will let me post it - Bob the Blog)
Many thanks Bob.

Very belatedly, find attached the photo of Wroxall Station as promised.  It shows almost exactly where we were working at Castleworks on 5 Aug. The photo is dated 18 Sep 1952 and is from the book "Southern Rails on the Isle of Wight Vol2" by Ian Drummond. Holne Publishing. 2010.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Wed 9th Sept 2015 - NatureZones, Blackwater. GG # 601.

Today the group gathered in Blackwater just off of the Route 23 Cycle Track at Naturezones a venue we've worked at on numerous occasions in the past.  This week the group were invited to partake in some hay raking, to get us in the mood for the Autumn raking season no doubt - I'm going to call it 'The Great British Rake Off!'. 
Alongside this task members of the group helped to thin some of the willow used to provide shade alongside the poly tunnels and to incorporate the cut material into a dead hedge bordering the pond.  An excellent variety of jobs rounded off by delicious homemade soup and bread.  Many thanks to Angela!

This week the credits go to Mark for the editorial and to Sue for the excellent photographs - thanks to both.

Note from Bob the Blog… this is our 500th Blog Page…!
