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To look at the Isle of Wight Green Gym web page (contains details of sessions etc) please use the following link :-

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If you would like to leave us any comments then please use this link

Thursday 30 April 2020

Wed 29th April 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 006.

Unfortunately, I couldn't attend the Zoom session yesterday but hopefully Mark took a screen shot of all the happy, smiling, faces and I will edit it into the blog when it arrives.

( Wouldn't you just know it....the moment I posted the blog then the e-mail pinged with the screen shot from Mark 😆. )

Thanks to all of you who responded to my "cry for help" for items to publish. You have no idea how difficult it can be to try and come up with something imaginative every week 😏.

Hopefully I have managed to get all the photos below attributed to the person who took cut and pasting skills are still pretty much in their

Alex sent this photo in and I did publish it in last week's blog ...but late. I have included it again as it really is a lovely shot "across The Bay".

Mark contributed these photos from up on St George's Down.... love the artistic sun shot..!

Geoff has been busy snapping away (taken at Golden Hill taken last week. Bugle, early purple orchid and those apple trees planted by the Wildlife Warriors).

Viv was quick enough to capture this newly fledged blackbird at her house. (centre shot on edge of woodwork.) Awesome view you have there Viv - good luck with the construction work 😀.

Whilst on the subject of nesting birds, I managed to capture the blue tits that are using the nesting box on the end of my workshop. Sorry about the video quality but didn't want to get too close. I had to slow the video down so you can see the

My reason for not attending the virtual session this week was that we had (for medical reasons) go over to "North Island". In case any of you are unfortunate enough to have to make the trip then here is a quick report.

If you are going for medical reasons then contact Red Funnel and they have an NHS discount of just £10.50 return for car and two..! The ferry was on time, both ways, and although a lot of freight, not that many cars. If you are "self isolating" for medical reasons then you can use the executive lounge (the top deck) as it is reserved for that purpose. The ferry staff were NOT using masks by did keep their distance and were particularly helpful. Traffic over in Southampton is lighter than usual but far busier than here. Having been used to St Mary's, which is like a ghost town recently, Southampton General is exactly what you would expect....people everywhere..! Most patients and the majority of staff are wearing masks and gloves and they have full PPE when undergoing treatment. Because we had to wear a mask and gloves for TWELVE HOURS yesterday, I am starting to get an appreciation of what it must be like for the NHS staff working long shifts...well done to every one of them for enduring such inconvenient, uncomfortable, garb 🙌.

That's about all for this week. Thanks to everyone who contributed this week's blog, nice to see that some of us are managing to get out and about whilst still complying with the Covid 19 rules and regs.

Take care and stay safe.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Wed 22nd April 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 005.

The numbers attending were a bit down on last week...but this was the happy crowd.

Having done a quick round-up of who we had been in contact with (checking they are ok) the conversation was wide ranging... everything from the coastal path to teddy bears..! We all seem to be avoiding the dreaded plague and finding inventive ways to overcome the boredom of lock down. The recently clarified regulations regarding what constitutes a daily exercise period seems to have allowed us to broaden our horizons a bit - whilst still conforming to all the regulations. Talking of which..see the photograph below....

After this morning's virtual session I decided that Gizmo and I needed a break. I had some shopping to collect so... a minor divert on the way home (😀) found us in the car park by Carisbrooke Priory. I always enjoy that walk along the footpath that skirts around Mount Joy cemetery and the weather today made the view particularly stunning.

If you are out and about on any "exercise periods" please remember to snap a photo and send it in. if by magic...a photo drops into my e-mail in tray...Thanks Alex..👍

Hi Bob,

Please find attached Photo.
This image taken today Fri 24th during my daily Exercise period, image overlooking Sandown Bay
from Shanklin adjacent the Priory (The building in the foreground) 


As it appears that gardening is occupying a lot of our captive time recently...

Many thanks to Mark for setting up and chairing the on-line session.

Friday 17 April 2020

We have reached a milestone....750th Blog publication..!

As I logged in to write this latest blog, I happened to notice that it was publication number 750 - wow, I never thought it would last this long.😊

It would have been much nicer to be talking about countryside matters on such a momentous occasion but...given our present situation, hopefully you will agree that written below is something we might like to consider?

Home made masks.

Our government seems to be changing their thoughts on this topic. Initially they discouraged the use of any kind of mask for general use but with the lockdown being extended (for how long?) they seem to be suggesting that they might be beneficial IF you follow all the guidance..!!!!
Because of my situation at home, I am looking at any way possible to prevent either of us becoming infected with Covid-19 and have done a little research on the interweb thingy 😏. Type the words "home made mask" into Google and you are presented with everything from chopping up used T-shirts through to complex origami involving the dust bags from vacuum cleaners..! After a little research, I came across the following link...

DIY Cloth Face Mask : 9 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

The reason for my suggesting this site is that it is easy to understand, has various mask patterns, gives some of the science involved and they have teams of people home manufacturing them for the front line services. Ok, it is American  but I still think it is worth a look at if you are contemplating going down the home made PPE route.

I have printed out the templates for version 1 and backed them with card. Initially my material of choice will be cotton / polyester to make a trial "will it fit me" model. The sewing machine remains in the cupboard at present as my previous dealings with the "beast" have not been that I will keep you updated on my progress and if any one has alternative suggestions then please let me know.

Once again, I apologise for hi-jacking the Green Gym Blog for non-nature related topics but...we are living in strange, difficult times.

Update 1.

Having decided that hand sewing is NOT my strongest subject, I enlisted the help of a relative to help me assemble the parts using the dreaded sewing machine...! The fit is comfortable and the face seal certainly exceeds thad of the paper medical masks they give you when visiting the hospital. Well, the flower pattern goes well with the Green Gym image but I might just choose something a little more masculine for version two..😀. Total time for making it...around 2 hours but that included watching the Youtube videos that show you exactly what to do. I am sure the next one will be completed in far less time.

 Stay stay INDOORS 👌

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Wed 15th April 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 004.

The "rogues gallery" photo for this week...

Once again, Mark was kind enough to host a Zoom video conferencing call for us on Wednesday morning. The number of GGmers making into the virtual world is s..l..o..w..l..y increasing,  week on week - well done everyone! It is nice to be able to chat to someone else and check that everyone is dealing (as well as possible) with "house arrest"😀. From the conversation, it appears that most of us are using this period of confinement to work on gardens and allotments - obviously a side effect of GG withdrawal..! Do not forget, I am looking for any (publishable!) content to pad out the weekly blog. 

A contribution from Jane..

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well and in good spirits. Flowers Brook in Ventnor is part of my regular running route. It’s looking so lovely now with purple irises that this morning I took a couple of photos for you.

All the best,

And now for something new.. as I am a bit short on material for the blog right now, I decided to dig into the GG Blog archives and revisit years gone by. This video compilation covers the years 2006-2007 (from when we first started the blog!). Let me know if you like it and I will cover other years as the weeks go by. I apologise for the poor quality of the video but the Blogger video data limit is quite small 😕.

Gizmo's "clip of the week". (we were playing fetch.)

Still no news as to when all this might end but I thought I would finish with the thought below...

Stay safe...stay know it makes sense.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Wed 8th April 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 003.

Pictured below are the ones who managed to make it along this week....

There were a few new faces joining us this week....welcome to the group...! Technical gremlins were still a bit of an issue for some but, in general, we managed to communicate reasonably effectively (even if for one it did involve the use of a mirror so as to be able to see everyone else 😊). A quick roll call of the people we had contacted over the week showed that, apart from boredom, most of us are keeping well and managing to tolerate "house arrest". It has been very noticeable that when we were having our regular outdoor sessions the weather was somewhat unkind but since we can only have the virtual meetings, there has been glorious sunshine every Wednesday morning...grrrrr 😡. 

Like a lot of dog owners, I have had to cut back on how far and how often we get out for walks. In an attempt to keep Gizmo stimulated and active, we have been trying out different games for us to play around the home and garden. Pleased see attached Youtube video...hope you find it as amusing as we did when we took it.

Once again, I invite anyone to submit anything (with reason!) they might like to see published here on YOUR blog...I am sure that there must be secret poets, artists, writers, photographers...etc..etc amongst you all? I am happy (for a small cost) to publish things anonymously 😏.

Thanks again to Mark for hosting the session.

All that is left is to wish you all well, stay safe by staying INDOORS - you know it makes sense.👍

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Wed 1st April 2020 - GG Virtual Session # 002.

Come 10am Wednesday morning a few of us managed to use the interweb thingy to hold our second virtual GG session. This week our numbers swelled by almost 50% to TEN....well done everyone. See below......👇

As I loaded this photo, I kept thinking that I have seen something similar to this before...eventually I remembered where.  (Well, it is April Fools Day. 😀)

Why do I think that the job of IoWGG Blog Editor might be up for grabs soon..????

Anyway, we checked that everyone was dealing with the Covid-19 regs ok and, like last week, several people had phoned other GG members to inquire about their wellbeing. We all seem to be managing to fill the hours of social isolation - some more successfully than others. I must admit that in a moment of total boredom, I actually got around to clearing the u-bend in the upstairs shower... a job that has been on the "to do list" for at least SIX months now..! At this rate we will be relishing the thought of pesky plant pulling 😏. 

Once again, a big thank you to Mark for setting up the Zoom session.

I have just looked back at the first ever blog item that I published...

Tuesday, 14 November 2006

"FROM LITTLE ACORNS...."This is the first entry on the Isle of Wight Green Gym blog site!
This is an "unofficial" site - run by Green Gymers - for their own use. The official site can be accessed on - then go to the Green Gym pages.
We hope to make this a diary of our work at the numerous sites we attend on the Isle of Wight. Any articles, pictures or almost anything can be forwarded to Bob the Blog - who will endevour to get them published on this site. So come on you guys....send in the information.....NOW..!
No comments:  

If I have done it correctly, then you should see some of the text above highlighted in blue (?) I feel that this statement holds true to this day so please feel free to send in anything you might wish to see particular ideas for passing the time until we can get back to our usual Wednesday morning sessions...OUTSIDE. If you don't already have my e-mail details then please send it via Mark.
