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To look at the Isle of Wight Green Gym web page (contains details of sessions etc) please use the following link :-

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Thursday 30 June 2022

The Storeroom, Cowes - Update.

 The following message forwarded from Mark.

Nice to know that our efforts are appreciated 👍😀.

Hello Mark

Every time I go past this patch of land I am so grateful to the Green Gym team for their hard work.

As you can see, we are still keeping it nice and tidy.  And look how well the penstemons are doing :)

By the way, it was a lovely post on your blog!

Wishing everyone all the very best

Wendy Miller

Funding Co-ordinator

Storeroom office: 01983 298679

Winner of The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service
Winner of IW Chamber of Commerce Business Awards for Excellence 2016 - Business in the Community Award

Registered Charity 1142010
Registered Company 7488966
Patron: Fred Dinenage MBE

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Wed 29th June 2022 - Brading Downs. GG # 890.

 Terry's Photographs.

Plenty of ragwort for us to pull.

You need to stop and stretch occasionally.

Or....stop and have a tea break.😀

Wow...did we clear all THAT...!

 Burnet moth.

 Common Red Soldier Beetle.

Now the summer months are with us it's time for GG to focus its attention on trying to rid the world (well, the Isle of Wight..!) of pesky plants. This week we were up on the top of Brading Down trying to eradicate  the dreaded RAGWORT 😒. Prior to the Covid shutdown we were actually starting to make headway at controlling it on the Downs but unfortunately, we are almost back to square one with the dreaded yellow flowers sprouting everywhere 😠. For those of you who are lucky enough not to have come across this problem weed, here is the link to the government guidance  Link plus a photograph to help identify it.

Although the forecast was for sunny periods, we were lucky that a couple of sprinkles of rain didn't amount to much. As can be seen from Terry's photographs above, attendance was up on previous sessions (perhaps due to the weather and glorious views across the Island). Such was our progress, we had almost pulled a complete trailer full by tea break - well done Team GG..!

Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs.

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Wed 22nd June 2022 - Merstone Stream, Blackwater. GG # 889.

 Terry's Photographs.

The usual pre-session briefing.

Then off to do battle with the pesky plants.

Even though we haven't had much rain recently,
certain spots were particularly muddy..!

Time for tea and a chat.

Gizmo - listening intently 😀

Back to working in the "jungle"

This time of the year it's Pesky Plant Pulling (PPP) and this week it was the Himalayan Balsam that needed our attention. Having met up adjacent to Birchmoor Pond, it was a short trek down to the cycle track where there was plenty for us to do. As can been seen from the photographs above, pulling the plants can only be done after getting access through the nettles and undergrowth which isn't easy..! It was a gloriously sunny day ( perhaps even a little too hot 🌞) and once again we were a little light on numbers attending. Terry apologises for not taking any photos at the end of the session  of the huge piles of plants pulled, apparently there were "technical issues".

Mark thinks that next Wednesday we will be up on Brading Down to do more PPP, this time it will be Ragwort. Confirmation of this will be via e-mail closer to the time.

A little note from Mark.

Hi Everyone,

Last week's AGM went okay, and we all carry on doing what we can for the group. I'll remind you that we are attending the IW Volunteer Fair on the 3rd July (held at Northwood Park, Cowes.) We'll have a table and stand, giving our leaflets out and answering any questions by prospective volunteers. Please talk to one of the committee if you'd be free to join us for a little bit on the day. 

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Wed 15th June 2022 - Newclose Cricket Ground, Shide. GG # 888.

 Terry's Photographs.

What appears to be an aphid munching through HB,
where can we get another 10 billion of them..?😂

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get along to this session but obviously it's that time of the year to start Pulling Pesky Plants... in this case Himalayan Balsam. I will fill the editorial in when something arrives.
The GG AGM was to be held in the clubhouse on completion of the work, hopefully it all went well.

Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Wed 8th June 2022 - Moorgreen Road Reservoir, Cowes. GG # 887

 Terry's Photographs.

Above and below - our materials for the day.

"Measure twice - cut once".

A barrow jam 😀

Tea break.

And then the heavens opened.

This week was yet another visit to the reservoir in Cowes, to continue with work started previously. This time we were given 3 main tasks, building steps, making up pathways and planting shrubs & plants. Although the session started dry and sunny, just after tea break it poured down with rain hence the change in attire across the photographs above. Good progress was achieved and we even managed to clear the huge pile of wood chippings before the end of the session 👍👏.

Next week we expect to be at the Newclose Cricket Ground, Newport and will be back to pulling (the dreaded 😟) Himalayan Balsam. The GG AGM will be held on completion of the work, Mark will be e-mailing out the details early next week.

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs this week.
