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Wednesday 26 January 2022

Wed 26th Jan 2022 - Pan Mill Meadows, Newport. GG # 869.

Terry's Photographs.

To retain the meadow status, it is important that all the cut grass is raked off to deny the soil the nutrients the rotting grass would give it. That way the meadow flowers get a head start before the grass and weeds take-over. So, our task was to do as much raking as possible in the short time we have on a Wednesday GG session As can been seen from Terry's photos above, everyone was VERY busy and did a great job at clearing as much as possible. There was another task this week, to demolish the lovely "eel wrapped around the tree stump". 

Photo from our archives when it was in much better condition.

Sadly, this had been seriously damaged (beyond repair) by mindless vandals and had become something of a safety issue. Equipped with wrecking tools, it didn't take us long to reduce it to rubble and remove the remains. The steel reinforcing bars will be cut and removed at a later date.... sad to see it go but it is hoped to replace it with something to reflect the eel theme as and when funding allows. There was some coppicing of the shrubs along the banks of the stream. This was a well attended session under grey skies but the temperature is still VERY mild for the time of year.

Next week we are off to somewhere very posh, Haseley Manor...! Mark will be emailing out details, with maps etc, closer to the day.

Fame at long last....

Sue spotted this and sent me the link....(thanks Sue 👏)

Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Wed 19th Jan 2022 - Storeroom, Cowes. GG # 868.

 Terry's Photographs.

Wendy's Photographs.

Well, having seen all the photographs above, there seems little point in my writing any editorial to explain what we were all doing this Wednesday morning...!!! It was a new venue and, certainly a little different from what we usually tackle.... instead of being somewhere in the depth of the countryside, this time we were in the middle of an industrial estate giving a carpark garden a full make-over. Oh well, we at Green Gym are always up to the challenge of something new 😀. Although the weather forecast indicated it would be dry, the rain came down so we all went home a little damp and muddy. 

This was a message from Wendy at the Storeroom....

Storeroom welcomed the Green Gym today and what a difference their superb volunteer team made to our site!  Two areas tidied up, trees trimmed, our new weed control fabric and gravel laid down and some bulbs planted too.  Not forgetting several shrubs from the Cowes Men's Shed have found their forever homes in the 'new' area and escaped from the polytunnels!  Thank you Green Gym!

If you are interested on what the Storeroom is all about then try this link...

Next week we will be working at Pan Mill Meadows - parking will be in the Matalan car park but DO NOT FORGET TO REGISTER YOUR CAR REGISTRATION NUMBER... otherwise you may get a parking ticket..!

Many thanks to Wendy and Terry for the wonderful photograhs.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Wed 12th Jan 2022 - Lake Cemetery.GG # 867.

 Terry's Photos.

Once again, we found ourselves at yet another new venue.... this time it was Lake Cemetery. To be exact, it was land to the west of the existing cemetery which caused a bit of head scratching when we all arrived. In true GG tradition, scouts were deployed to investigate the area and in no time at all we found not only the correct place but...more importantly, how to access it...! The main task was to plant around 45 saplings that we had lifted from the ground last week at Apply. These were spaced out around the eastern and northern perimeter and each one was fitted with a supporting stake, rabbit guard, root guard and protected with a layer of wood chipping mulch. The root guards were "manufactured" on site by cutting off 15 cm lengths of plastic drain pipe which had to be split vertically to aid fitting and removal. Other tasks included the trimming of existing shrubs plus the usual litter pick, which included a supermarket shopping cart 😏. The weather was glorious, a little cool in the shade but bright sunshine along with clear blue skies. Perhaps it was the weather, the location or the attraction of somewhere new but this session was particularly well attended with around 20 plus GGmers there...well done everyone 👍.

Next week we have yet ANOTHER new venue... this time it is down at Cowes where we will be giving the surrounding grounds to "The Store" a makeover. Mark will be finalising details this week so please keep an eye on your email for detailed instructions.

Mary thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Wed 5th Jan 2022 - Appley Park, Ryde. GG # 866.


Terry's Photographs.

Meeting up for the first GG session of 2022....

Due to the various road diversions around the Ryde area and Southern Water closing off the Esplanade (yet again!) it made getting to, and parking at, Appley Park somewhat difficult. With GGmers arriving from every directions on the compass we eventually got ourselves sorted and work underway. Last time we were here it was planting saplings but this time we were digging them up (NOT the same ones..!) An area that had previously planted has now been re-designated so the saplings were carefully lifted and stored ready for use elsewhere. The second task was to cut down the more established thicket to the east of the first area. Although it was much colder than of late (record high temperatures over the festive period) the sky was blue and the sun was out....what a perfect way to start a new working year 👍. This was a well attended session, perhaps everyone has made a New Year's resolution to come along to GG on a Wednesday 😀.

Here is a link to a site giving some of the background history to Appley Park... the-history-of-appley-park

Mark seems to think we may be working at another new venue next week, the churchyard in Lake. He will be releasing details closer to the day, which will include a map and parking details. We expect to be replanting the saplings that we lifted from Appley.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.
