A new site for the Green Gym again this week, helping the Forestry Commission in woods at Bouldnor Fort. The task was to open up a pond which involved clearing a large patch of bracken; removing several trees and using them to build habitat piles in the cleared area, before covering them with the cut bracken; and clearing weeds from the pond. This involved donning waders for two stalwart Green Gymmers and actually wading into the pond, which is apparently about ten feet deep in the centre, so great care was needed. The pond also contained quite a large area of Floating Club Rush, which is a very rare plant on the Island
Carrie’s Nature Lesson
Floating Club Rush (Eleogiton Fluitans, alternative name Scirpus Fluitans). This is a grass-like water plant with long floating leafy stems, rooting at nodes. Spikelets are solitary on long stalks, consisting of 3-5 flowers or fruits, whose glumes are green like the rest of the plant. The flowers have three stamens and three stigmas, and there is no bract at the base of the spikelet.
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