Our friendly Rangers decided that the Extreme Path Building (see earlier blog dated Wed 12th March 2008) that we did previously was just too tame...! This time they tasked us to take things to a new level (please excuse the pun) and try Extreme Path Excavating. Part of one of the main footpaths had been destroyed by the recent storms so it needed to be re-routed through the surrounding woods. The area was surveyed - to decide the best possible route and to ensure there were no nesting birds around. Then it was just down to brute force - hacking away at the undergrowth, removing trees/shrubs/brambles etc, cut into the sloping clay and level a 1.5 metre walkway. This involved moving huge boulders, using stakes & boards to make steps and path edging then using the excavated soil (mostly clay) to backfill as we went along. Not shown in the above pictures was the "spiral staircase" built at the far end where the new path dropped down to join the original one. All the GGmers that attended are now fully qualified to work as Navvies or be part of a chain gang....! The weather was warm and sunny and we had a excellent turnout.
Many thanks to Carrie and Eddy for the pictures.
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