This week there was a new venue for the GG Team - NatureZones at Blackwater. This is a non-profit making charity, sited to the south of Blackwater, just off the old railway line / present day cycle track.
(See the following link to the NZ site - http://www.naturezones.org.uk/index.htm for details). The team was met by Angela who gave us a talk about their aims and ambitions then took us for a guided tour to point out the tasks we had been assigned. Thank goodness that we had an excellent turnout as there was plenty of tasks to tackle - everything from post fencing to ditch digging...! The site is split between general meadow and woodland with a stream running between the two. The woodland area was given a quick makover by cutting back branches that overhung the pathways, collecting fallen wood to create nature piles and trying to pull up some of the plentful supply of sycamore shoots that are everywhere...! Another group tackled the overgrown areas of the stream - cutting back fallen trees and dredging out the mud and leaves. Others were involved in piling fence posts, digging up turfs and numerous other tasks........wow, what a busy day...! Come coffee time we were suprised by being given cake and those who stayed after 1pm were treated to soup and bread...... many thanks to Angela and her helper for the hospitality shown to us.
The top two pictures above were taken by Eddy and the ones below them by Hilary - thanks to you both.
The two pictures below were sent in by Carrie....many thanks to you as well.

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