Can you believe the weather we are having.....especially here on the Island! Last Wednesday the GG was held in warm sunshine and yet on Sunday we were making snowballs and sledging.... It started around 8:30 am and was melting by lunchtime - but was enough for the "snow starved" Islanders to get out there and have fun. So many snowmen built in so little time!
Let's keep our fingers crossed that the plants and wildlife doesn't suffer too badly in this cold snap and that things have warmed up by our next GG on Wednesday. I have tried to find out how often the Island gets snow this late in the year but drawn a blank - I am sure that one of you will be able to fill me in on the facts. See Post Script below.
The following was found on the UK Met Office web site....
Snow in April is not uncommon, according to the Met Office, although heavy falls are unusual: "The last time we saw a decent snowfall in the UK in April was in 1989 [on the fifth day of the month], when heavy snow fell across parts of the south Midlands and central southern England." In parts of the south 8-10cm (3-4in) of snow was reported but it thawed during the day and overnight.
In 1981 there was a blizzard towards the end of April. "Low pressure to the west of the UK moving east generated a severe blizzard in an area from Dartmoor north across east Wales and the Cotswolds, Midlands and Lincolnshire wolds." The Met Office says snow on April 25-26 that year was persistent, with lightning and a gale. Gloucestershire had up to 66cm of snow, the southern Pennines 50-60cm. "It was the worst blizzard since April 1908.
For further information about UK winters, use the following link
Finally, if you have any better snow shots - please send them to me and I will try to post them here on the blog.
Post Script.
The following was published in the County Press this week - under their "Looking Back" column.
April 12, 1958. The IW experienced the worst Easter weather of the century, with freezing temperatures, biting winds and even snowstorms leaving beaches and promenades deserted. Competitors in the Island's annual Easter cycle rally responded by singing Christmas carols in the snow.