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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Wed 3rd Aug 2016 - Wroxall Stream (opposite Barncourt Farm) GG # 646.

Sue's Photographs.

A hedge full of HB.

Yes…it does get that big!

We didn't really need an electric fence to keep us at work.

Above and below - about one hour's results.

A lone HB puller heads off into the "jungle".

Our GG session this week was a continuation of our visit here a couple of weeks ago - to try and tame the dreaded Himalayan Balsam (HB). Initially we focused our attention on a paddock to the north west of our main working area as there was a considerable amount of this pesky plant lurking in the hedge there. We did notice that in the adjacent field, an area we had worked last year, that there was very little HB to be seen….. Hooorrraayyy….some success! By the time we were due a cup of tea (11 o/c) we had all but cleared this area, leaving a pile of stalks for the farmer to dispose of (see photos above). After tea break we concentrated on the areas to the east and west of the upper stream - where we had worked previously. The numbers were down a little this week but the weather was kind to us with the overnight rain turning to a bright day.

Many thanks to Sue for the photographs and to the farmer for allowing us to park in his field.

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