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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Wed 27th July 2016 - Wetland Walk, Lake. GG # 645.

Terry's Photographs.

We were working in the area shown on the bottom
left of the map.

"And today we will be doing…."

"lots of raking…!"

"and trimming back the pathways"

"plus a bit of hay making"

Sweeping the stairs? (Apple and Pears - Cockney rhyming slang)

Above and below…. a job well done!

About this time of the year we have our annual visit to the Wetland Walk area at Lake, to give it a make-over ready for the children being on holiday. This delightful, tranquil, nature rich area is just the place to take the children for a nature walk or to have a picnic plus there are fruit and nut trees (but no chocolate!) to explore. In the past we have had to cut the grass prior to raking but this year Nick the ranger had been kind to us and cut it prior to our arrival (thanks Nick!). With around half the team engaged on raking, the others tackled a wide variety of jobs including, clearing the pathways and board-walk, clearing fallen trees, clearing around the trees. Nick had a go at trimming the hedge that boarders the road and it looked much better by the end of the session. 
Although we had had light rain overnight and it being a rather grey start to the day, it remained dry for the whole session and was pleasantly warm. There seemed to be a very good turnout this week, especially as it is the start of the annual holiday season.

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs this week.

News item. Have just seen this on the Island Echo site. Hope that all the hard work that we put in at this Wroxall venue hasn't gone up in flames….! LARGE BLAZE BREAKS OUT IN WROXALL

Mark has just sent me this photo showing the damage….. it doesn't look good for the Bacon Factory but the Carnival building looks intact. Let's hope that it scorched some of that bloody bramble…!

The Carnival building is bottom left and the yard we have worked in is the bottom centre and right.

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