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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Wed 14th May 2014 - Millennium Green, Ryde.

Mark's Photographs.

Tony's Photographs.

Carrie's Photographs.

Carrie's Notes.

Millennium Green was our venue for this week, a site we have visited many times over the years, and it is amazing to see how the site has improved over time.  Recent works to the paths have been undertaken by the IW Military Preparation College, as well as regular work by a dedicated team of volunteers and of course GG.  Tasks this week were to dig up bramble from the butterfly meadow where it is starting to re-generate, while others set to cutting back pathways to improve accessibility, and another team trimmed back areas to give more sunlight access to basking lizards. Some preparatory work also took place in the stream, where small nets were positioned downstream and the stream bed agitated by feet to see what the nets would reveal - this included several fresh water shrimps and also blood worms.  Also spotted near the meadow was a beautiful blue dragonfly, which looked as if it had just emerged for the summer.

Mark's Notes.

We decided to survey the Binstead Stream this week in order to gauge how rich it was as a habitat and to help with deciding the best way to manage it.  Some members of our group who are actually pupils of St Georges School, gamely undertook the survey task.  It involved as you will see from the photos, them 'Kick Sampling' the stream by standing in the flowing water, agitating the stream bed with their feet while catching any invertebrates disturbed by that action in their net held downstream.  We found that the stream was actually home to lots of invertebrates but not a huge range of biodiversity (range of species).  Freshwater Shrimps were the species most frequently seen, along with Bloodworms.  As an indicator of pollution the checking of invertebrates in ponds and streams can tell us a lot.  The Bloodworms are very tolerant and can be found in moderately polluted water, however the Shrimps are much less so and would indicate possibly only 'some' pollution .  If nymph stages of insects are there however it indicates clean water and one nymph was seen, (Mark - not seen by myself so species not clarified) we will most likely recheck on our next visit.

Many thanks to all those who contributed the photographs and editorial this week.

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