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Friday, 9 April 2010

Wed 7th April 2010 - Dimbola Lodge, Freshwater.

It is more than a year since we visited Dimbola Lodge so as expected there was a lot to do, and despite it being Easter holidays, some 30 Green Gymmers turned up on what proved to be a warm, dry day. The hedge in front of the café windows had grown rather tall, so our first job was to check to ensure there were no birds nesting in the hedge. We then strung a blue marker rope along the hedge, and five strong men set to with loppers to make the whole hedge shorter, thus restoring the beautiful view. Another group then packed all the cut pieces into large bags for later disposal. The whole area at the front, side and rear courtyard was badly in need of weeding and tidying, so those of us not in the hedge cutting team set to work with small forks and secateurs; our efforts certainly improved the look of the gardens.

Once is a big thank you to Carrie and Eddie for the photographs and editorial.

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