Yet another new site for the Green Gym this week at Arreton Cross, on yet another gloriously sunny day for the large number of keen volunteers. This is an area of grassland which was part of the Island’s Million Blooms initiative, where rare flora and fauna were lost during some landscape planting. Our various tasks involved some scrub control to improve the amount of light reaching the site; re-planting some mahonia’s (which survived the landscaping) and protecting them from rabbit predation with a wire fence; and also fencing off other small areas to protect the natural flora and fauna which it is hoped will re-grove on the site.
Arreton Cross sits within the Perreton Down and Marsh SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation). SINC’s are local sites recognised for their wildlife importance, and an ongoing programme of maintenance will allow some of the rare plants to flourish. These include Common Spotted and Bee Orchirds, clustered and knotted clovers and also the very rare Yellow Broomrape.
Arreton Cross sits within the Perreton Down and Marsh SINC (Site of Importance for Nature Conservation). SINC’s are local sites recognised for their wildlife importance, and an ongoing programme of maintenance will allow some of the rare plants to flourish. These include Common Spotted and Bee Orchirds, clustered and knotted clovers and also the very rare Yellow Broomrape.
Once again, it is a big thanks to Carrie for being cub reporter.
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