This week the GG Team were over at Fort Victoria and we invented a new sport - Extreme Path Building. The rules for the game go something like this:-
1. Get the Rangers to deliver several tonnes of limestone ballast at the bottom of a pathway (note that the pathway has to resemble the north face of the Eiger).
2. Take numerous buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows etc and transport the ballast from the bottom to the top - repairing the steps as you go. This can be competitive.....most loads carried, heaviest load, quickest accent/decent etc.
3. Do all this on an exposed coastline when there is a force 8/9 gale blowing.
4. IF you do manage to survive the above then saw down a few trees that have fallen across the pathways and build a fire (in the gale!).
Now we are all TV stars, I wonder if we can sell this idea to Sky TV - it must be more interesting than some of the reality progammes they show at present....!
Many thanks to Carrie (she of The One Show fame!) for the excellent pics.
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