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Monday, 4 December 2006

Winkle Street Hedge Laying...Monday 4th Dec 2006

On arriving at the Winkle Street site we were presented with a VERY overgrown hedge in a poor state of maintenance. In true Green Gym spirit, we split into two teams and attacked the job from the two ends, grubbing out all the dead wood, brambles etc. A couple of hours hard graft from the (guesstimated 7 in number) Green Gym contingent and other helpers - had a stripped out hedge and a roaring bonfire..! Oz was in fine form...dashing around giving advice (and frequently a helping hand!) whilst trying to demonstrate hedge laying techniques to the various visitors we had during the day. These included members of the Winkle Street committee, Andrew Turner (MP) and the County Press reporters/photographer (might be worth a look in the CP this week). Once cleared, we started the pleaching, staking and heathering - and soon there was something for everyone to look at..!! I apologise for the poor "after" picture posted above but by the time we were finished it was about 3:45pm (getting dark) and the rain was setting in. The Winkle Street residents seemed pleased with the work completed and will now be able to do the remainder of the work themselves. All in all - a good days work and hopefully good coverage for the IoW Green Gym - well done to all who attended.

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