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Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Wed 4th Oct 2023 - The Riverside, Newport. GG # 954.

 Terry's Photographs.

Our session this week was at The Riverside, Newport. We have often worked here at this time of the year to give the gardens an "end of summer" trim back and tidy up before winter sets in. As can been seen from the photos above, it was far from winter today with warm temps and plenty of sun... perfect! A wide variety of tasks were completed and things were looking much tidier come the end of the session.

Mark did mention that next week might be at either ends of the Island but he needs to do site visits before announcing the details. As per usual, keep an eye on your emails early next week. He asked me to post this item from last week's County Press.... Well done all you GGmers..!

Many thanks to Terry for taking the photographs today.

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