Terry's Photographs.
This week our tools arrived in style..!
Interesting to note that the E-bike made it from Shide
5 minutes faster than Mark took in the van 😏
Alan Titchmarsh (or for those who remember him...Percy Thrower😀)
The usual Tea Time Team Talk.
A new sport - Drag a Bag.
This week we found ourselves back at The Riverside, Newport. Proceedings opened with our tools arriving by e-bike courier - how very Green...! They were demonstrating a new delivery service that's starting up, initially in the Cowes / Newport areas but hopefully soon to be expanded across the Island.
It doesn't seem to matter how much we ever do at this venue, there is always PLENTY more to be done by the time we next visit. This time we concentrated on the area around the main entrance door, flower beds and car park, all of which benefitted from some green fingered attention. Hopefully the brambles, weeds and buddleia has been tamed once again.
Absolutely glorious weather with sun from start to finish - please can we have more of that 👍.
Next week we expect to be over at Batts Copse, Shanklin but Mark will be confirming that by e-mail closer to the time.
Many thanks to Terry for his excellent photographs and to E-Cargo Deliveries for dropping off the tools.