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Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Wed 14th July 2021 - Stone Farm, Blackwater. GG # 843.

 Terry's Photographs.

"Welcome to Stone Farm...."

Not the easiest access.

Everyone was soon hard at work.

Himalayan Balsam has huge root balls..!

Working our way into the jungle.

"Hey..this one is taller than I am..!"

Tea time team talk.

Then back to work.

Above and below, just two of the MANY
piles we left to dry out.

Not only were we outdoors again this week but at a new venue too! Following Mark's excellent directions, most of us got there without getting lost (what happened Mick..?😀). A big thank you to the farm owner for letting us park in the livery yard which was just yards away from where we were working. It is always difficult to assess just how much Himalayan Balsam is there until you start to work your way in, today there was plenty. Possibly due to the torrential rain we had recently, certain areas were VERY wet underfoot so wellies were a definite plus. Once pulled then the plants are piled so they dry out in the sun.
With two teams working from opposite sides, it took quite a while for us to meet up somewhere in the middle and others worked on the surrounding foot paths. A well attended session and the weather was warm and sunny, just right.
It seems that next week we will possibly be back up on Brading Down to have another go at the Ragwort but Mark will be sending out e-mail details closer to the time.

Many thanks to Terry for the photographs.

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