Saturday 29th Sept.... I have just looked at the County Press web site and they have included the press release...! Not sure if it will be in the paper as I no longer take a copy. Try this link to have a look see... 16909774.isle-of-wight-green-gym-celebrates-700th-milestone
Martin's Photographs.
Mark's Photographs.
The Press Release....
News Release: 26th September 2018
IW Green Gym landmark – 15 years!
In this day and age it’s rare to find things that last. Groups get set up and then funding ends and they close again. That’s not the case with the Isle of Wight Green Gym – 15 years after they were set up they are still going strong as a self-sustaining group.
It has meant that over 750 three hour conservation sessions have taken place.
The Island’s countryside has benefitted of course, as has the community for as well as doing the task for the week it provides a social gathering, friends mingle and chat whilst working. That is the case with lots of volunteering, it should always be a two way process. Guided by the seasons the group’s work, using only hand tools, is practical in nature, providing real gains to fitness and hopefully to the Island’s wildlife.
This week the group were working at Cockleton Meadow in Gurnard, a lovely location to mark the group’s 700th session! The site has a team of local volunteers, supported by Gurnard Parish Council and is also one of the ‘Gift to Nature’ sites. The milestone involved lots of cake to celebrate (any excuse of course) and might well cause many of the group to cast their minds back over so many IWGG locations and achievements over the years.
IWGG’s committee work hard to keep the group going and pay tribute to the many hundreds of volunteers who have attended. They have a number of hardy stalwarts who started volunteering with them back in 2003 including Derek Comper, Geoff Harris and their Chairman, Mark Russell. Mark said
“It’s a long time, but when reflecting upon our involvement in projects over the years, I can see the real benefits. I’d like to pay tribute to everyone who participate each week, whatever the weather. Also to our supporters, we work with many larger charities on the Island, and local councils and the IW Council as well as schools and churches. Thank you!”
The group size varies each week but can sometimes be in the 30s, the group can get a lot done in the three hours. They have helped wildlife conservation or access to the countryside at more than 180 different sites since 2003.
For more details of the IW Green Gym visit