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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Wed 28th Sept 2016 - Birchmore Pond, Blackwater. GG # 654.

Sue's Photographs.

The signpost points the way….

Oh Dear! This isn't how we left it last time.

Shall we start here then?

SPLASH….the first one in the pond.

The "northern" working party.

And the "southern" one.

AND….those IN the pond…!!

Hacking into the undergrowth.

Removing some of the reeds that were clogging 
everything up.

Above and below - letting light in from the south.

Just one of the cleared areas.

Something had a good meal from this leaf..!

Above and below….more areas that were cleared.

I think it is fair to say that Birchmore Pond is well up the Green Gym list of favourite work sites, even if the weather has been less than kind to us on some of our previous visits! No worries about rain this time though, a bright,warm, sunny day with just enough breeze to cool down the workers - perfect! Initial inspection of the site was daunting due to the considerable summer growth where we had previously cleared away. Oh well, all we could do was to pick a spot and do our very best in the time we had. It will be seen from Sue's excellent photographs above that we basically split into two working parties - one to the north and one to the south of the pond (with two brave souls actually IN the pond!). All cut material was removed to designated areas which opened up the pond area considerably. Because this is such a popular site, we had an excellent attendance of GGmers and the photographs show admirably just how much was accomplished in one morning. An extra special Well Done to all those who attended (especially to those who worked in the pond!)

Many thanks to Sue for taking the photographs this week. Sorry the blog is a bit late this week, down to email issues trying to reset BT/Yahoo password…!

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