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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Wed 24th Oct 2012 - Pan Mill Meadows, Newport.

Mark's Photographs.

Carrie's Photographs.

Green Gym returned to a site that we haven't visited in a long time for the session this week, the meadow area along the cycle track between Newport and Shide. On previous visits, we had to deal with a very overgrown area but, because of improved access, this time it had been possible to mechanically flail the whole area prior to our arrival (phew!) Normally the cut material is left to rot into the ground which will enhance the soil - but not the case for meadows. Wild flowers are happy to grow in poor soil so the rotting material would only encourage weeds and bramble, which stops the wild flowers coming up through. Team GG were soon scattered across the whole area busily raking up into piles which were then bagged up and taken to the edges of the meadow. At the same time, other members were off along the banks of the river and surrounding areas doing the usual litter pick.

At the start of the session Team GG were presented, by Patricia Almond of the CPRE (Isle of Wight branch), with an  award for our litter picking efforts across the Island and also a donation to help with the group's expenses. See top photograph.

This was a well attended session (perhaps because it was so central?) and the weather held good for us. It would be nice to return next summer and see how all our efforts paid off.

Photographs were supplied by Carrie & Mark.....many thanks!

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