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Thursday, 14 January 2010

January 2010 - General Note.

A Happy New Year to all our readers....!

The first two Green Gym meetings of 2010 had to be cancelled due to the snow here on the Island. They should have been at Munsley Bog, Godshill and at the Island Sailing Centre, Dodnor, Newport. It would have been dangerous to ask people to try and attend and most of the tasks that were programmed in would have been difficult (if not impossible) to undertake. As I write this blog, the snow is starting to melt - so, unless it gets very cold again or the melting snow causes flooding...... then we will keep our fingers crossed for next Wednesday morning. It takes something extreme weather wise to keep the GG Team indoors.....!

Those eagle eyed ones amongst you who read this blog will have noted that there were a couple of weeks missing when I wrote up the backlog. Mark has delved into his notes and come up with the following....

9th September Ventnor Botanic Gardens (I missed this one but this is what happened and a bit of follow up)

The garden's lower meadow has this year been planted with hop plants and this week our task was to pick the first year's harvest. Everyone enjoyed the unusual task. The varieties chosen here were First Gold and Boadicea and following our efforts the picked flowers have been sent to Fareham's for processing. Goddards, who are corporate friends of the Botanic Gardens hope to use these hops in an “All Island” beer this spring. Something to look out for in your local!

16th Sept - Niton Primary -pic attached of pond taken by me the day before during risk assessment visit, I unfortunately didn't get a chance to take any on the day - sorry.

This is another new site! The school's environmental area was the scene of much activity. The group set about cleaning out the overgrown pond, cutting back some of the taller vegetation shading it and pruning a very large Guelder Rose. While over on the other side of the grounds we cut and build a series of raised beds for the children to grow vegetables in next year. A very large turn out meant that a huge amount was completed.

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