This week we were back in Parkhurst Forest and despite a very wet and misty start, the luck of the Green Gym prevailed and by 10.00 it was nice and dry if a bit soggy underfoot. There was a choice of tasks to choose from, the first being to continue the clearance work around the car park we started back in 19 November last year, the second to cut back the growth along one of the footpaths to improve access and lastly to clear the encroaching trees and scrub from in and around a fairly large pond.
Carrie's Nature Lesson.
Yet another fungi was discovered (see photo), which is probably a Stereum gausapatum (Bleeding Oak Crust), which has a fruiting body in the form of small tiered brackets of 1-4cm across, with a tough and leathery thin flesh. The upper surface can be ochre-brown to greyish with a finely hairy white margin, while the lower is pallid to dark chestnut and bleeds red if cut when fresh. Its habitat is on stumps, logs and fallen branches of deciduous trees, especially oak, and is not edible.
Many thanks to Carrie for the photographs and text.