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Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Wed 17th Sept 2008 - Carisbrooke Pond.

This week the GG Team were back at Carisbrooke Pond. The last time we were there the heavens open and we were soaked - but this time the weather gods smiled on us. The tasks were varied, everything from cutting back weeds & hedges through park bench maintenance. This meeting was very well attended and there were even a couple of new faces - please don't forget that all are very welcome and we can always find a job for you...! Good progress was made with the given tasks, so much so that some members of the team went up to the pond behind the church to tidy up the overgrown banks. The hard work put into this site by the GG and other groups is really starting to show, such a wonderful tranquil place just yards from a busy high street.
Many thanks to Hilary for being the cub photographer this week.

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