This week we were at one of the school sites that we get to visit - the primary school at Cowes. We were there a few weeks ago and were tasked to continue the work we had been doing on the nature area plus additional tasks on the children's garden and the perimeter hedging. The weather was just right - lots of sun but not as hot as it had been recently - so there was a good turnout of GGymers. The planned tasks were pretty much completed - so we didn't get a detention...! Many thanks to the staff who allowed us the use of their staff room for our tea break - with some of our numbers staying after the GG for a school dinner (see picture above). They really enjoyed themselves and tell me that there wasn't any boiled cabbage or milk puddings on the menu - certainly not how I remember school fare.....!
Thanks to June for the Merry Munchers photograph and to Carrie for the others.
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