Holding a Green Gym at Golden Hill Fort during the summer can only mean one thing...... pathway clearance and resurfacing. The Rangers have come up with a cunning new plan to get even more work out of us. Instead of dumping a huge heap of limestone chippings at the start, they show us just a small heap - but keep on going back and getting more each time we get near the end....! It is still amazing to see how much can be achieved with shovels, wheelbarrows and rakes in such a short period of time. Other GG members set about clearing many of the smaller paths as the vegetation is already starting to close them in, making it difficult for the many walkers who use this area. It was nice to see so many wild flowers growing in the areas we cleared last year, especially the spotted orchids. The stunning views over the Western Yar more than make up for the hard work......!
Many thanks to Charlene who took the photographs this week.
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