“This week saw our second visit to Sandown Primary School to continue our work in the sensory garden. It’s a good job the garden is in two separate sections, as numbers attending were at least 25 if not more. Our many tasks included digging over and weeding sections for planting, raising and relaying some slabs so there was no opportunity for trips or falls, bulb planting, spreading bark chips, spreading gravel and hanging a ladybird box - phew! We were following a lovely garden design very kindly done by Alice from Thompson Garden Centre, the County Press were there, and they hope to persuade a local celebrity to officially open the garden when it is finished. We also celebrated Peter’s birthday with a very nice cake brought by Sharon, and all the children sang Happy Birthday!”
The editorial this week was compiled by Carrie - Bob the Blog was absent with a cold. Due to equipment failure, we do not have any photographs of the work completed. The school has promised to send some on to us - these will be added to this blog when they arrive.
The editorial this week was compiled by Carrie - Bob the Blog was absent with a cold. Due to equipment failure, we do not have any photographs of the work completed. The school has promised to send some on to us - these will be added to this blog when they arrive.
UPDATE. As you can see above, the pictures did arrive - many thanks Colin. Extra pictures this time to show just how much has been achieved with this job.....everyone concerned deserves a big pat on the back......well done. Did you see the picture in the County Press?
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