Where we were and what we were doing.
Amazing views to the west.
A well earned rest period....
As you can see from the above, our resident photographer was not with us for this session so you will have to contend with my (rather poor) phone images. Today we were maintaining the Bouldner heathland area by cutting back any unwanted growth. This is of particular value to the nightjars that apparently are happy to call this place home. Unusually for this site, we did not have a bonfire to dispose of the arisings, so everything was placed in neat piles ready for disposal at some later date. Although there were a few spots of rain, it was a dry session - cloudy with some sunny spells...nice..😊
Now on to an admin error. Mark handed out the next month's program today and I noticed that he has the next session down as the 800th IoW Green Gym session. My numbering system has that down as being THIS week...ops...!!! Back tracking through my records shows that I allocated a number to this cancelled session......Mark didn't...hence the discrepancy..!